Literacy Timeline

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    Learning should be natural and stem from curiosity
    Children shouldn't be asked more than they're developmentally ready for
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    Children develop through sensory manipulative experiences
    Teachers help facilitate learning process
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    Founded the term "Kindergarten"
    First educator to develop a curriculum around size, shape, color, measurement and comparison.
  • Webster Dictionary Created

    Noah Webster wrote the first American dictionary and set a standard for spelling, grammar, and reading.
  • Progressive Education Movement

    This can be traced back to theorists like John Dewey, and is a series of progressive education ideas that center around acknowledging students as their own people and recognizing their needs.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    The U.S. Supreme court ruled that racial segregation in public schools violated the 14th amendment.
  • Montessori

    The teacher is a guide who prepares an environment with materials to reach skills
    Children need orderly training to master skills
    Teacher models, child imitates
    Children get to determine their errors and make corrections
  • Dewey

    Children should learn through social interactions and interests
    Led the concept of children- centered curriculum
    Rejected the idea of "teaching to the test"
  • Piaget

    Children acquire knowledge by interacting with the world
    Cognitive development
    Different periods mased around age and cognitive abilities
  • Title IX is Passed

    Title IX protects students in schools from discrimination based on sex.
  • Children's Literature Association Conference

    A group of scholars, professors, librarians, and students all began gathering in the 1970's to discuss interests in children's literature, and to give those a safe space to share their ideas.