Literacy Timeline

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    Children's learning should be natural and they should only be asked to learn something they are ready for.
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    He developed principles for learning with natural elements with informal instruction. He expected children to learn to read on their own and for teachers to create situations for reading process to grow.
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    He also believed in natural development of a child. He also thought that the benefits of playing to learn required adult guidance and a planned environment.
  • Constuctivism

    based on interests and home life and also intended for children who are reading conventionally.
  • Skinner - Behaviorism

    The outcome of learning is a permanent change in behavior that is caused by response to an experience or stimulus.
  • Montessori - Senses and System

    Believed that children needed early, orderly, systematic training in order to master skills
  • Dewey - Progressive Education

    Believed that curriculum should be based around the interests of children and children should learn through real life play.
  • Emergent Literacy

    Exposes children to books early. Centers the learning around children. It also focuses on problem solving and social interactions.
  • Piaget - Cognitive

    Piaget believed that there were 4 levels of development in a child's life.
    Sensorimotor period (0-2)
    Preoperational period (2-7)
    Concrete Operational period (7-11)
    Formal Operations period (11-adult)
  • Vygotsky - Schema Acquisition

    Believed that learning occurs as children acquire new concepts. The new concepts are considered schema, which are mental structures where people store information.
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    Explicit Instruction and Phonics or Sound-Symbol Relationships

    Whole language instructions
    Teaching children as a whole class
    not teaching phonics
  • Balanced Comprehensive Approach

    No single method or combination of methods can teach all children to read.
  • National Reading Panel

    Phonemic Awareness
  • No Child Left Behind

    Gave extra funding to schools
  • National Early Literacy Panel Report

    Know the letters and sound of the alphabet
    Phonological awareness
    Can rapidly name letters and numbers
    Can write their name and letters
    Can remember what was said to them for a while
    Concepts about Print
    Can produce or comprehend spoken language
  • Common Core

    Work was started in 2007/2008
    Not a curriculum or method
    Many states have written their own
  • Read to Suceed

    Legislation to address literacy performance in SC