Literacy Timeline

  • Standardized Reading Test

    William S. Grey created the Standardized Oral Reading Paragraphs, Grades 1-8. This was one of the first oral reading tests to be given to students. It has been altered and developed since its original creation. It has inspired many of the standardized testing that is seen in more recent years. William Scott Gray (1885–1960) - influence of reform movements, literacy efforts. (n.d.).
  • Maria Montessori Passed

    Maria Montessori was an educational theorist who's ideas about education impacted how many people perceive education. There are schools dedicated to the practices she shared with the world. Her use of self-correcting manipulatives, orderly organization of materials, and inclusion of life skills in the classroom has impacted the future of education.
  • National Literacy Act of 1991

    After the National Literacy Act of 1991 was signed, it encouraged the creation of family literacy programs, provided grants to literacy groups or programs, and helped the creation of state literacy resource centers. Irwin, P. M. (1991, November 8). National literacy act of 1991: Major provisions of P.L. 102-73. CRS report for Congress. ERIC.
  • Kathryn Au inducted in Reading Hall of Fame

    Kathryn Au was an advocate for culturally responsible instruction and teaching. She focused on the literacy development of people from diverse backgrounds (linguistically and culturally).
  • 5 Stages of Reading Development

    Maryanne Wolf's book Proust and Squid outlined 5 distinct stages of development relating to literacy and the educational and physical development of children at different ages. Five stages of reading development. The Literacy Bug. (n.d.). The evolution of literacy education: UT Permian Basin Online. UTPB. (2021, January 7).
  • New Jersey Law for Media Literacy

    Mandates that K-12 students in New Jersey receive media literacy education. This law focuses on educating students on the importance of text and media and how to distinguish between credible sources, and unsafe or biased information online. Tns. (2023, November 6). New Jersey becomes first state to require K-12 Media Literacy. Governing.,Phil%20Murphy.