Literacy Timeline

  • Rousseau

    Focused on a natural education for children. Children learning is individual and formal instruction can interfere.
  • Pestalozzi

    Believed in natural elements and informal instruction. Sensory manipulative should be incorporated in lesson planning.
  • Frobel

    Playing in the a major factor in effective learning. First educator with a systematic curriculum.
  • Standardized Test

    Standardized Test
    During this time period (1930s-1940s) reading readiness became used in schooling. Teachers focused on skills to help students mature rather than letting them do it on their own.
  • Skinner

    children learn through imitation and association.
  • Montessori

    Children need early, orderly, and systematic training. They use materials given by the teacher to guide their learning.
  • Dewey

    Curriculum should be Child-Centered. This means it should appeal to their needs and interest.
  • Emergent Literacy

    Emergent Literacy
    Introduced by Mary Clay, states children are exposed and should be exposed to all types of literature/communication before starting school.
  • Piaget

    cognitive stages of child development. Children gain knowledge from interacting with the world.
  • Vygotsky

    A child's learning comes from new concepts. Teachers should use scaffolding when instructing students.
  • National Reading Panel Report

    National Reading Panel Report
    Gave process which were important for student to be fluent readers by 3rd grade. (Phonemic Awarenesses, Phonics, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Fluency)
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Goal of every child in the US to be a fluent reader by 3rd grade. Tried to close the gap between diverse populations.
  • National Early Literacy Panel Report

    National Early Literacy Panel Report
    A report discussing skills and abilities children should have before entering Kindergarten.
  • Common Core State Standards

    Common Core State Standards
    To put all states on the same standards to help alleviate students missing information if they move from state to state.