Literacy Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    First evidence of writing

    Ancient Sumerians began writing on clay tablets in Southern Mesopotamia. This writing consisted of mostly symbols, but was a precursor to language (The University of Texas Permian Basin, 2022).
  • Department Of Education Was Created

    The original Department Of Education was created. Its original purpose was to provide states with more information from schools to aid in establishing an efficient school system (Preceden, 2022).
  • Progressive Education Movement

    This movement was inspired by Dewey and Locke and their ideas. The movement suggested we should treat and teach students as social beings (Lynch, 2016).
  • Brown Vs. Board Of Education

    This Supreme Court case ended the racial segregation in schools. The decision was unanimous and they concluded that "separate but equal," was in fact not equal (History,com, 2009).
  • Title I of Elementary and Secondary Education Act Passed

    This act passed by President Lyndon B. Johnson was one of the first majors acts of the government showing involvement in education. It was created by the Department Of Education and it distributed government funding to schools that had a high amount of low income families (Paul, 2015).