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Sadie's Literacy Timeline

  • Age Three

    Age Three
    My mother and my grandmother were both teachers involved in special education. I was exposed to language and literature at a very young age. By the age of 3, I was able to "read" The Cat in the Hat to my grandma and mom because I had it memorized after having heard them read it to me countless times. It was my favorite book at the time.
  • Age Four

    Age Four
    Around the age of 4, I began taking dance classes. I was exposed to French literature because I was learning various ballet terms. Plié, relevé, grand battement, tendu, etc. I continued my literacy in ballet and dance up until the age of 16.
  • Age Ten

    Age Ten
    In 2005, my mom, brother, and I moved to Champaign, IL. I started attending a new and bigger school. That year, I began learning to play the piano and the flute. I was resistant at first because I never thought I would be able to understand how to read music. Once I got the hang of it, I absolutely loved it. I didn't play the flute for long, but to this day, I still practice playing the piano when I can. The literacy of musical notes is a big part of who I am.
  • Ages Twelve to Fourteen

    Ages Twelve to Fourteen
    At this point in my life, I became very grateful to my mother for making me learn how to play musical instruments. I have always loved singing and acting. In my middle school ages, I was involved in swing choir (show choir), church choir, bell choir, and school musicals. I was very happy that I could read music at this point in my life because it made these organizations much more enjoyable for me. I also did a lot of reading/memorizing lines in different plays.
  • Age Fifteen

    Age Fifteen
    Around the age of 12, I joined the cheerleading team at my middle school. I learned a few new terms here and there. When I went to high school, I joined the cheerleading team there as well. I learned a whole knew set of terms (and their meanings) that I had never heard before. Full, pike, toe touch, double down, liberty (lib), full down, half "v", etc.
  • Age Sixteen

    Age Sixteen
    After I received my driver's license, I immediately began applying for part-time jobs. My favorite restaurant at the time was Texas Roadhouse, so I applied there and ended up getting hired! This was another brand new form of literacy for me because I had to memorize an entire food and drink menu. I also had to learn certain terms and their meanings for different things that went on in the kitchen at the restaurant. I worked for Texas Roadhouse for over 3 years.
  • Age Seventeen

    Age Seventeen
    When I began high school in Champaign, IL, I started taking Spanish classes. I loved it immediately. Not many of my peers enjoyed learning a foreign language, but I most definitely did. This was a brand new form of a literacy to me since I was attempting to learn a completely different language than what I was raised to speak and read. I loved Spanish so much that I decided to make it my minor in college. I am still currently involved in Spanish literacy.
  • Age Twenty-one

    Age Twenty-one
    I have always known that I've wanted to teach special education. I did not know until April of 2016 that I wanted to work in the deaf and hard of hearing program. Because I love languages so much, I decided that this program would be a good fit for me and that I had a lot to offer. I am currently learning American Sign Language (ASL), so I am emerged in a completely foreign literacy once again. I am loving it so far and will work hard to master this new language!