
Literacy Timeline

By gruiz8
  • Picture Story Telling

    Picture Story Telling
    I was blessed with loving parents that did all they could to provide for a family of five children. Both of my parents worked full time. My dad is from Mexico and did not speak English for most of my childhood. My mother was a secretary at an elementary school. Occasionally teachers would give her books to bring home. I do not recall my parents ever sitting down to read to us. I do remember looking at the colorful pictures in the books and making up my own stories while playing school.
  • Bookfairs for Books

    Bookfairs for Books
    Book fairs brought such excitement! I remember marking all the items I wanted in the circular. While most of my friends picked out books, I picked out cool pencils and posters. Looking back now I realize I really had no interest in reading. I also knew I could only afford a twenty five cent pencil and not a book for $6.99.
  • Popcorn Reading

    Popcorn Reading
    I'll never forget my second grade reading teacher. I was extra careful not to make eye contact with her during popcorn reading. It never failed, she would call on me to read aloud. I was not a very strong reader and did not have an extensive vocabulary. I had to habit of looking up at her when I came across a word I did not know how to pronounce. She would glare at me and say, "Don't look at me. The word is not written on my forehead." I had a very negative outlook on reading.
  • Bible Stories for Maria

    Bible Stories for Maria
    My prayers were answered when my only sister was born! I spent all my free time after school with my baby sister Maria. I enjoyed reading to her from my children's bible. This is the first time that I actually enjoyed reading out loud because I didn't have to worry about being made fun of if I mispronounced a word here or there! This enjoyment of reading started to carry over to the classroom as well.
  • Spelling Bee Challenge

    Spelling Bee Challenge
    My confidence in reading and school work was on the rise! My mom convinced me to participate in the spelling bee. I studied diligently and I was ready! Three rounds into the spelling bee my worst fear became a reality. Adequate was the word. I had never heard of the word and had no idea what it meant! Adequate...a-d-a-q-u-a-t-e...adequate. I did the best I could at the time but I will never forget how to spell adequate again. I returned to my seat in tears.
  • The Bathroom Door

    The Bathroom Door
    In the fifth grade I tested into the gifted and talented program. We were required to keep a reading log. I was not very excited about having to read books and my mom sure wasn't very excited about having to sign off on my reading log. She was always busy working, cooking, and cleaning. I would follow her around the house reading my books and most evening I would sit by the bathroom door reading to her while she was in the shower getting ready for bed. It was a chore for both of us.
  • Ready Writing

    Ready Writing
    My GT teacher seemed to think I had a talent for writing. I liked math and science. I did not like reading and writing but more than that I did not like disappointing my teachers. She signed me up to compete in the UIL ready writing competition. It turns out I was a descent writer! I won first place that year and it gave me the much needed boost of confidence in my writing abilities.
  • Another Pretty Perez

    Another Pretty Perez
    My sixth grade GT project was to write and bind a book. My book was titled "Another Pretty Perez". It was an autobiography and told the story of how my life changed forever with the gift of my baby sister. I grew up with three brothers until my sister was born when I was ten. The book was hand written on folded white copy paper. It was bind with cardboard covered with shiny pink contact paper and a seashell that represented simple beauty. Each word it contains was written with love.
  • Senior Year Shakespeare

    Senior Year Shakespeare
    Does anyone ever really understand Shakespeare? I don't think I ever really did understand his literature. I understood it enough to excel in high school AP English and graduate in the top 2% of my class with honors. Despite my dislike of reading for pleasure, I was able to successfully complete all my classes with high grades. I always had a desire to learn about new things and always put forth 100% effort whether I enjoyed it or not. My reading comprehension improved throughout the years.
  • Arise Bible Study

    Arise Bible Study
    The bible is the only book I've ever loved to read no matter my age! My husband and I lead a bible study group in our home through the Arise program at our parish. I love opening the word and interpreting God's message.
  • My Gabie Graduates

    My Gabie Graduates
    I'd like to say that I did things right for my three children and read to them daily in their younger years but I would be fibbing. I wish I had done a better job of helping them fall in love with reading. Most days they used their books as frisbees. Somehow they all manage to do very well in school. My oldest daughter, Gabie, graduated at the top of her class. Despite being extremely shy, she has a way with words and delivered the most amazing graduation speech.
  • Read to Gain Information

    Read to Gain Information
    At the age of 38 I'm still eager to learn. I've really had to push myself to research and read the necessary articles needed for grad school. I still have to remind myself daily to read to gain information and not just read to be finished. I've grown a lot since the days of sitting outside the bathroom door reading to my sweet mom! I look forward to the learning that is to come in the near future!