Literacy process

  • Before school

    Before school
    Before I started school my mom said that she would work with me on reading and writing when she got home from work to prepare me for school. She had things for me to trace, different books to read, audio books, and more. I think her starting me early really helped for when I got to Kindergarten.
  • Kindergarten

    When I was in kindergarten I went to a private school and they were required to do home visits instead of having parents come in for a conference. My kindergarten teacher said I was doing very well and that I was further than others in class. I had a best friend who would always come over and her mom was hard on her so all we did was educational things which I think really helped.
  • Failing history

    Failing history
    When I was in 3rd grade I couldn't grasp the concept of history no matter how hard I studied. Every day my teacher gave out jobs for us to do, but because I couldn't pass any of my tests she told me I wasn't allowed to be a helper. In the end it helped motivate me because after that I got a C and I was finally able to become a helper
  • Speaking in front of an audience

    Speaking in front of an audience
    In 5th grade we had a speech debate where we had to get up in front of the class and speak. For weeks I was preparing and I could do it in front of my own class, but when the actual day came all the class were mixed in together so there were different people than I was used to. When I was in front of my class I could say my speech nice and loud, but when there were other people in the classroom i got quieter and my voice was very shakey, but by the end of the debate I started to speak up more.
  • Spanish test

    Spanish test
    When I got to middle school I was still very shy and didn't like to speak out much. I took a spanish class and we had a lot of verbal tests that had to be done in front of the whole class. One day I faked like I was sick so I could go to the nurse and possibly get out of my test, but it didn't work. My teacher pulled me to the side and said that I was a great student and I just had to be confident. When I went back to the class I just turned my back to the class and did my test and I passed
  • Honors english

    Honors english
    When I got to 8th grade it seemed to be going by very quick and smooth. My english teacher was a great teacher and I felt like I learned a lot from him. He would always tell me how good I was doing in his class which of course made me proud. When it came time to do recommendations for high school he put down that I should be in Honors english because he said I would be bored in regular english and I needed a step up which I'm glad he did because it helped a lot with my writing skills.
  • 9th grade english

    9th grade english
    When I got to 9th grade I thought that it would be a breeze like middle school but I was wrong. I didn't apply myself and I didn't stay on top of my work or keep up with the readings. In result I almost failed that year and they were going to put me back into regular english. I finally got myself together and I started staying after to get additional help so that I could catch up. I didn't want to be a failure after getting a great recommendation from the previous year
  • 12th grade english

    12th grade english
    Once I got to 12th grade English I thought it would be a breeze since the rest were pretty easy. That was half way true. There was one day we had to recite Shakespeare's soliloquy. I was so nervous that I walked in class for 5 minutes than walked back out and never came back. At the end she asked if anybody else had to go and of course I didn't say anything so I just got a 0 which brought me from an A to a C. I felt terrible and she gave me a second chance and I could only do half.
  • College

    When I first started college and went ahead and got all of my English classes out of the way, and I must say I can thank my high school teachers for being hard on me because it was a breeze. I got an A on all of my english papers and assignments and the teacher asked me if I could help others in the classroom since I was comprehending very well.
  • Speech class

    Speech class
    Speech was a requirement for my major so of course I had to take it which I was dreading. The class started out slow and we watched a lot of TED talks. My professor did work hard to get everyone to open up by taking our mind off of being nervous. He told us to just be ourselves and be free. By the end of the semester I wasn't afraid to speak in front of the class which I'm proud to say because I've always struggled speaking in front of people. I'm a very shy person.