Literacy narrative

  • Dr. Suess

    while my grandmothers rocked me to sleep she would read Dr. Suess to me.
  • Sports

    when i was little me and my family always loved talking and playing sports
  • Family Time

    Me and my family have always went out to eat together and that's where we've always gotten closer and talked about or lives.
  • Chase

    I would sit a observe everything my older brother Chase would do. He has always been someone I've looked up to.
  • Scary Stories

    Me and my brothers used to go in his room all the time and listen to scary stories
  • Video Games

    Me and my brothers used to always play call of duty and fortnite together, it was something we all loved talking about and loved doing.
  • Friends

    My friends have always been a huge part of my life. We have gotten really good at talking out situation instead of ignoring and dropping each other.
  • Grandfather

    My grandfather died around 3 years ago suddenly. We had so many memories together... we loved going out to eat and i can remember hearing him talk to my dad about me and my brothers
  • Pigs

    I LOVE pigs. Pigs are my favorite animal watching the way they thing and listening to them are my favorite thing to do.
  • My First Job

    Around 8 months ago my parents bought a gym in mount sterling. It is my first ever job. Through getting this job I've learned many things like i have to listen to people really carefully, and being good at talking to people is also really important