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Literacy Narrative

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    taking art classes

    From elementary until middles school and early high school, I was in required art classes, but they allowed my love for art to flourish.
  • my first art set

    In elementary school, my godmother got me my first art set. It was a box that had a makeshift easel and drawers filled with art supplies like markers, pencils, and crayons.
  • finding what I loved

    In middle school, I realized how much I love to paint, specifically abstract. Painting in that form gave me so much freedom and was up to my interpretation.
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    Currently, I spend all my free time painting or doodling. My brain is filled with art. Now I use my iPad for digital art, but painting has become the bigger part of art that I love.
  • painting small things

    My mom has found small things around the house for me to paint to make new. She had a small pig statue but it wasn't colorful. So she gave it to me to have creative freedom. It now sits in our front yard, adding a pop of color