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Literacy moments
The love and importance of reading was introduced by my mother
My mother established the importance of reading in our family. Books were always made avaialbe to us. -
I will learn to read in Kindergarten!!!!
As a toddler and young child I loved to be read to and exploring all types of books. Even so I was very stubborn when it came to learning to read on my own. I told my mother I would learn to read when I got to kindergarten and not a minute before! -
Loved to read in middle school
Judy Blume were my favorite books to read in middle school. My all time foavore was, Are you there God? it's me Margaret. I thought I was so mature reading this spicy and mature book. I learned so many things while readng this book! -
I hate reading!
By the time I got to highschool I offically hated reading. I only read when I was assigned a book in school. I never would choose to read for pleasure. -
No college for me please!
After graduation I wanted no part of college. I wanted to be free from school work and reading any more required novels! -
Attended Morgan State University
After taking classes here and there at community college and working part time, I was finally ready to go away to college. I was ready to continue my education even if that meant reading. -
I want to be a teacher!
After realizing that Marketing was not for me, I changed my major to Elementary Education. I realized how much I enjoyed reading and wanted to teach young children how to read as well! -
First teaching job and Guided reading groups
I started my first teaching job and taught first grade. I was responsible for teaching my students to read along with all the other subjects. I had to learn how to create and run at least 4 reading groups each day. This was quite a challenge for me but I loved planting the seed for the love of reading in my young students. -
Creating a love of books and reading for my own children
I had my first child in 1994. It was very important to me that she loved to read. Trips to the library and building her personal library was very important. The pressure to teach her to read as a teacher was immense! This was the same for my next two children in 1999 and 2000. -
Built my collection of books
I loved reading to my students and wanted to build my own private collection of books for my classroom. I purchased books when I had the extra money, bought books from book fair, earned books through the book orders in my classroom, and received them as gifts through out the years. I loved having my own book collection to read to my students, and books for them to discover and develop thier own love of reading. -
Rediscoverd my personal love for reading adult books
While on leave from teaching I rediscoverd my love for reading books for pleasure. I have always been very selective of what books I read, and can be very impatient with books. I finally found the types of books that I enjoyed reading and I spent more time reading for pleasure.