Literacy Moments

  • First Words

    First Words
    About 14 months old when i said my first word. It was a hot night so my mother took me outside to catch the cool breeze. There was a clear sky and I saw a crescent shaped moon. Then I pointed at it and said 'banana'. I don't remember any of this but my mother told me the story.
  • Sound it Out

    Sound it Out
    While attending home and school, my mom and teacher would help me learn to read. They would start by helping me become familiar with the letters of the alphabet. After learning the letters, I began to learn the different sound each letter makes.
  • Practice, Create, Comprehend

    In second grade, my teacher would give assignments to practice. Like reading a short story or even creating a short story and then explaining what it was that we read. Ask questions of who/what the story is about, the plot, etc.
  • Intro to Computers

    Intro to Computers
    I began working with computers inside the classroom during computer time. I was able to learn to type. The typing sessions taught me spelling do to spellchecker.
  • Educative TV

    Educative TV
    TV is recommended a few hours a week by pediatrician.I watched informative programs and its a great way to learn. Between programs there was a spelling and pronunciation quiz and then displayed correct answers.
  • Not Just Words

    Not Just Words
    I thought reading was simply knowing the words written on pages. We would write summaries of sections read the teacher would always made me repeat my assignment. He made me realize that reading was more than just knowing the words written, but meaning as well.
  • Reading Aloud

    I remember being called upon in class to read a passage/paragraph page in front of the class. I didn't know half the words and I could see my classmates laughing.
  • Journalism Convention

    Attending my first high school Journalism convention was amazing. I learned laws concerning journalism and how to prioritize news.
  • First College Experience

    Many of my classes involved literature analysis. To successfully analyse a literature material, reading it several times is necessary and then research.
  • Public Speaking

    Public Speaking
    I volunteered for awhile as a mentor and even worked as an assistant teacher. Being apart of school and community sometimes you have to attend meeting and conferences. When it came time for me to speak on my answers and opinions I was afraid. I spoke but while speaking I became nervous the more my audience starred. I felt I would mess this up for sure and maybe not even sound educated. Public speaking is never easy and it something I still struggle with til this day.