Literacy Moment Timeline

  • My First Words

    My First Words
    I was probably around almost 1 year old. I do not remember my first exact word, but it is very important and an exciting event when you say your first word as an infant.
  • Kindergarten

    Learning how to read in kindergarten made me so excited. I wanted to try and read everything I saw wherever I went. Its very important to learn how to read at this age, you will need it for the rest of your life.
  • Type To Learn

    Type To Learn
    Around third grade we learned how to type during our technology time in elementary school. It was probably one of my favorite times. It taught me the proper way to type and also helped to develop sentences. I even got the disc to take home and used it at home all the time.
  • 5th Grade Reading Project

    5th Grade Reading Project
    During 5th grade we got to pick a book and do a project off of it. I remember it was such a fun activity but I really did not like to read as a child. So it taught me how to make my first tri-fold board and learn how to present it to my classmates.
  • Congressional Hearing

    Congressional Hearing
    In fifth grade we had to participate during congressional hearing. I was not excited about it at all. I remember I barely spoke during it, but I was required too so I could earn the points. It was helpful because we learned how to public speak in front of people.
  • First Research Paper

    First Research Paper
    During 5th going into 6th the prepared us for the basics of writing a research paper. Teaching us how to outline and finding the supporting details that go along with it.
  • Reading out loud (Popcorn Reading)

    Reading out loud (Popcorn Reading)
    During 7th grade we had to read out loud in front of the whole class. I did not like getting choosing because sometimes I did not know the words so it was embarrassing when I would say the word wrong. It did help me boost my confidence in reading tho.
  • 9th Grade English

    9th Grade English
    I remember when we were required to read the book assigned to us and be able to comprehend exactly what was going on in the book. We also had to be able to answer questions. This was one of my hardest things I still struggle with. It did help me begin on how the best way to read and answer the questions. Sometimes though I will have to read it over and over again to really understand.
  • Junior Interviews

    Junior Interviews
    My junior year in high school we had to do a practice interview. This prepared me for learning how to make a resume and what type of questions to expect when going to an interview. This event has prepared for the rest of my life.
  • Research Papers all throuh highschool

    Research Papers all throuh highschool
    Writing all of these papers honestly sucked during high school. They have really helped me throughout college, and if I had not practice all those years I definitely would have struggled in college.