2016 BCE
Graduate School
The decision to further my education has aided me in my writing, which over the years has decreased significantly due to having a reason to write. The various texts that have been assigned to me have taught me many things, though it seems to take away from my desire to read for personal enjoyment. I hope this will change as I become more curious to understand new concepts. -
2014 BCE
Teaching English Literature
In 2014, I began teaching an English Literature class. I was exposed to various other great literary works during this time. I enjoyed very much getting to experience these books with my students. A book my class and I loved reading was The Giver. Having to read each of the assigned books taught me discipline and how not to judge a book so quickly. -
2010 BCE
Social Work
When I changed my major to social work I had no clue how much it was going to impact my writing abilities. One of my professors was big on assigning written assignments based on the course reading list. While I learned from the interesting readings, my ability to write was influenced more greatly. This influence has benefited me in may ways since graduating. I feel more confident and eager to better my writing skills. -
2009 BCE
World Literature
In 2009 I took a World Literature course. Up to this point reading was always done with purpose rather than for leisure. I was exposed to various stories and books that would change my view on reading from then on. A book that to this day is considered one of my favorites is the Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini. I remember this being the first time I truly enjoyed sitting down and reading a story, I couldn't put the book down, after reading the book I found another from the same author. -
1999 BCE
Daddy Reads
From the time I was born until I was roughly 12 years old I was read to each night. Wether it was a book on tape or reading through comic strips my parents and eldest sister were actively engaged in encouraging me to read. With my dad being gone all day we enjoyed this time together and while I never wanted to read, I loved to listen. Today reading to my children i am reminded of this act of love. -
1998 BCE
When I was in 6th grade I won a writing contest put on by the D.A.R.E. program. The essay was to discuss the reasons students should stay away from drugs and alcohol. I remember feeling proud of myself for doing so well. For a long time I was considered a poor writer. Over the years as I have struggled when it comes to writing but I have always been able to pride myself in being able to express myself and my opinions. -
1995 BCE
Weekly Library Visits
While I was growing up, each summer my sisters and I were enrolled in reading programs through the public library. These programs would rewards students based on the number of books they completed over the course of the summer. Awards such as ice cream parties, ribbons and free books were given. While it may seem insignificant to some, my mother was a firm believer in reading. I was lectured on how reading would make me a better reader how it would increase my vocabulary. -
1991 BCE
Mom Is a Teacher
Growing up with a mom who's job was to teach children, I was frequently reminded of the importance of reading and increasing one's vocabulary. For many years I thought of this as a discipline rather than encouragement. Her persistence aided me in my education more than I realized. Today I hope to live up to the standards my mother set. -
1991 BCE
Thank You Notes
From the time I was old enough to write I was made to send thank you letters to my friends if they attended my birthday parties. My parents would always say that writing thank you notes was a sign of respect and appreciation. This is a tradition that I have carried on in my life and in my children's lives. It saddens me that thank you cards are slowly becoming a thing of the past. -
1991 BCE
Cooking with Mom
My functional reading skills were developed during cooking times with my mom and dad. While dinner was being put together I would be asked to read the ingredients and instructions to my parents. My mom would say she didn't know what the instructions said and that she needed my help to make dinner. Not only was I working on my reading but I was always making memories that would last a life time. -
Period: to
Over the course of my life many people, events and books have influenced my literary life. This timeline includes the top 10 influential events in my life that I would say have shaped the way I view reading and writing.