
Literacy History Timeline - Sophie Gimble

  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    I read the entire Junie B. Jones series as a kid, and owned it all! It's where I learned a lot of vocabulary and I gained her sense of humor as a kid.
  • Mrs. Snap

    Mrs. Snap
    I attended school before Kindergarten to see the speech therapist, Mrs. Snap, because I had a pretty awful speech impediment/have one still today. No more than 20% of my language was understandable and I was in speech therapy until 5th grade.
  • Talking Whiz-Kid

    Talking Whiz-Kid
    I used this computer toy as a kid to learn how to spell and rhyme. I remember being annoyed before bed because a word was spelled differently than how other words usually were. I remember this toy very distinctly, however.
  • Reading in my Mom's car

    Reading in my Mom's car
    My mom was a preschool teacher before I was born and she always had a lot of books in her car for me to read while we drove places. I read them enough times that I had it mostly memorized.
  • First Grade Alphabet

    First Grade Alphabet
    In 1st grade, we learned a new letter every day by doing a movement that went with the letter until we had gotten through all of them. The only one I really remember is V for Volcano.
  • The Rainbow Fish

    The Rainbow Fish
    Before a concert in 1st grade, my teacher needed me to entertain the class while she got the concert ready, so I got to sit in the teacher's chair and read The Rainbow Fish to everyone. My speech was a lot better by then!
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    My mom, brother and I all went to the library a lot, and my mom rented the audio cassette of The Order of the Phoenix. It was one of the first times I encountered an audio book, but I had never read the other books so I was very confused. I remember this scene very well, though!
  • Math Minute Sheets

    Math Minute Sheets
    In elementary school, we had sheets where we had a minute to do addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. It taught me how to learn the basic multiplication tables and other math strategies. It was pretty stressful.
  • Reading Level Stickers

    Reading Level Stickers
    In elementary school, we had stickers on every book to determine what level of difficulty it was. Black and white was the highest level, and i remember I always read from those books, but they were never much of a challenge. We went to the library in class regularly to check out books.
  • French Club

    French Club
    In 5th grade, I joined a French club and began to learn a second language. This brought me into contact with the way other languages are connected and how to pronounce a different language.
  • Comics

    In middle school, I really got into different types of comics and learned about how graphic novels tell stories in a very unique way.
  • Theatre

    In high school, I was in 4 musicals and 11 plays. I learned the lingo for stage directions, how to sight read, and the dynamics of theatre. I understand terms like upstage, downstage, curtain call, and other words that other people may not.
  • Slam Poetry

    Slam Poetry
    Around the time of entering college, I really got into slam poetry and the messages they told. While I've always liked poetry, the social commentary, acting, play on words, and pace of slam poetry has always been one of my favorite artistic outlets. video: