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Literacy History

  • Bed Time Stories

    Bed Time Stories
    I always enjoyed getting ready to through my childhood before bed and would request to be read to through out the day.
  • Sunday School

    Sunday School
    My family is very strong in our faith and we would attend church every Sunday. After service we would go to our Sunday School classes where I learned several things by reading the Bible, memorizing bible verses and interacting with my classmates and teachers.
  • Christmas Time

    Christmas Time
    My brother and I always got to pick out a book to read for our countdown to Christmas. Every night before bed we would take turns picking out a book for our parents to read to us and sometimes we got new books.
  • Softball

    I began playing softball at a young age of 6 and learned a lot of different types of literature through it. I learned the word logic of the game; terms, chants and team encouragement. I also learned how to count by having to keep score, what inning we were in and how many outs there were.
  • School

    Something that I really remember helping me through kindergarten and then the rest of my schooling is making things in into a song. We learned our colors in a song and I still sing those songs today and make up songs for anything I'm trying to memorize for school.
  • Volleyball

    I began playing Volleyball when I was in 5th grade and soon had to learn the lingo for this sport. When playing on a volleyball team working together is a huge part of it and so we all had to learn to talk to one another and communicate. As I now coach volleyball I realize how important communication is for this sport.
  • Vacation

    Once my brother and I were older we started taking longer road trips. At this point in time I found I really enjoyed reading for enjoyment and it made the time go a lot faster while in the car.
  • High School Plays and Musicals

    High School Plays and Musicals
    When I was in High School I participated in the musicals and plays I had several lines and songs to memorize and had act it out on stage.