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Lisa’s reading history

  • Kindergarten

    When I entered kindergarten I could barley read and was extremely shy. I remember being so scared, and was always struggling, but I also remember my teacher and how kind she was in helping me learn.
  • Third grade

    Third grade
    This was the year I found out I couldn’t read at grade level and was only reading at a first grade level. I was devastated I was so far behind academically and it took a huge toll on me.
  • My first chapter book

    My first chapter book
    This is the first chapter book I remember reading after a long struggle of not being able to read.
  • Literature

    It wasn’t until my 11th grade modern literature class that I began to really enjoy reading. My teacher was amazing and always encouraged me. He chose amazing books and always had us conversation about them. I loved that class and teacher. I still speak to him today.
  • Graduating!

    The day I graduated was the day I realized I could do anything I put my mind too! With all the struggles I faced graduating proves to me I can overcome everything!
  • My first series read

    My first series read
    This was the first book series I’ve ever read independently. While reading I’d stay up latein the closet with the light on reading this book!
  • Movie verse film

    Movie verse film
    This is the first book series I read before watching the movie. It gave me the thrill of reading books prior to watching the movie.
  • Finding myself

    Finding myself
    Shortly after a near death experience, this book brought me out of depression and brought me guidance.
  • My all time favorite

    My all time favorite
    Someone had suggested this book to me, and it now my favorite book ever! I read it in three days.
  • I love to read!

    I love to read!
    Now, I go to a book store every where I travel, bring a book with me everywhere, and am always reading a new book. Reading has become my escape and I find it the most relaxing thing. I don’t know what I would do without books!