lip plate wearing ritual

  • 8700 BCE

    why did the Lip plate wearing ritual start?

    Lip plate wearing ritual started when women decided to design a deliberate disfigurement designed to make women and younger girls less attractive to slave traders
  • 8700 BCE

    what is the Lip plate wearing ritual?

    The Lip Plate wearing ritual is when a female reaches the age of 15 or 16 and gets there lower lip cut and replaced with a wooden plug until the wound heals. The healing process takes around 3 months. It is up to the female to decide how far to stretch the lip by inserting plugs over a period of several months
  • symbols

    the lip plate ritual symbolizes womens strength and self-esteem. The practice is also described as a sign of social maturity and reaching reproductive age. also indicating a girls eligibility to become a wife.
  • significance of the Lip wearing ritual

    the significance of the lip wearing ritual involves a lip plate worn by a Mursi women is best seen as an expression of social adulthood and reproductive potential.
  • important facts

    • It is often claimed that the size of the lip plate is correlated with the size of a woman’s bridewealth
    • Women who haven't experienced Lip plates can later in life after producing a family can still go along with receiving Lip plates