
  • First release

    First release
    Linux operating system was programmed by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna, by then it was called Unix operating system. Unix was based on assembly language and it was only used for training and not for actually systems.
  • First step forward

    Unix was approached by Dennis Ritchie and was allowed to rewrite the code for the operating system using C programming language with few exections like (kernel and I/O). This change let Unix to port easier to different computer platforms.
  • Start of the GNU Project

    GNU Project was planned to be a complete Unix-compatible software system, which was made entirely from free software.
  • Becoming Open-Source

    Because of an Anti-Trust case forbidding Unix from entering the IT business, AT&T was forced to make unix Open-Source code. Because of that Unix grew very quickly and were adopted by numerous business and academic institutions.
  • Start of the Free Software Foundation

    Stallman has started Free Software Foundation and programmed GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) in 1989.
  • Creation of Lite Edition of Minix

    This was a mini version of Unix-like operating system for students to learn how the operating system works. But because of licensing at the time it was only available for free only in 2000.
  • Completed the operating system

    Operating system was finished and published for instutitutions to use. They have completed programs compatibilty with compilers, text editors, a Unix shell, and a windowing system and more.
  • Start of Linux

    Linus Torvald was interested in operating systems and because Minix only available for educational use only, he decided to create his own kernel, which at the time it was called Linux Kernel.
  • Slackware (SLS)

    SLS was ahead of it's time. Peter MacDonald made this Linux copy distribution that was not only 99% of orginal Linux but it had TCP/IP stack and the X Window System with it as well. But because it had implemented so many programs it was quite buggy.
  • Linux 1.0.0

    On 14th of March 1994 first Linux 1.0.0 was launched with 176,250 lines of code. This was the very first big step that Linus made to be as succesful as he is now.
  • Linux 2.0.0

    This version of Linux had 41 different releases in the series.This version of Linux had improved in many ways such as bigger procesor compatibilty and better memory management.
  • KDE version 1.0 arrived

    It was a first distro that was used by Mnadrake. By 2000 version 2.0 was created and had great imrpovements. With Konqueror, KOffice and KIO networking they imrpved the KDE distro greatly.
  • KDE version 2.0

    New improved version of KDE came out.
  • Knoppix 1.4

    This was one of the power houses of Linux, this distrubution of Linux could be inserted into any computer and booted into a fully functional working Linux. It would provide you with a large variaty of networks and wide range of hardware and the ability to communicate and connect automatically to almost any network.