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Linnette's Bilingual Development

  • Birth

    Born in New York to Puerto Ricans. Spanish native tongue. They learned English after a few years.
  • Listening

    Listening parents speak Spanish frequently started to understand some words.
  • Communicating in Spanish

    Started asking with spanish commands such as: agua, dame. mama, papa, leche
  • Nursery School

    American system only English was spoken.
  • Kindergarten

    St. Sylvesters Catholic School at Chicago, Illinios only English was spoken, written and listened. Multicultural students from all over the world assited to this school.
  • Mexican Babysitter

    My babysitter Maria only spoke Spanish.I started speaking complete full sentences. I enjoyed spanish language too!
  • Communicating and Recreation

    By this time my parents practiced English with my brother , cousins and me. Games , TV programs and movies were spoken and seen in English. Kids around the block were always speaking English.
  • Moving to Puerto Rico

    My parents decided to come back. I didn't like the idea I loved the United States a lot. My mom started to feel sick and needed to be near our family.
  • Middle School

    At this moment I realized Puerto Rico didn't have schools' with good facilities but teachers were very good.
  • Learning Grammar

    Learning grammar and the writing process in english was kind of hard too much. I felt I wanted to go back to the United States.
  • High School

    Both languages were expressed, understood,written and spoken very well. I realized that my parents made a good decision to move. Things started to make sense.
  • Bachelors Degree

    I made a choice wanted to be a Bilingual teacher. The art of teaching came aboard on this moment.
  • Bilingual Teacher

    Actually I'm teaching at Bilingual School of Cidra since 2004. Happy to be a teacher!