This timeline

Linel Rodriguez

By 27404
  • July17,2003

    6:48 pm I was born at the mass general hospital in Boston Ma
  • August 27,2005

    August 27,2005
    My step sister was born
  • July 17,2006

    July 17,2006
    I had my 3rd birthday at water country and it was my first time going
  • August 25,2006

    August 25,2006
    I had just started preschool at the lincoln elementary
  • June 17,2014

    June 17,2014
    My last year of elementary school
  • August 28,2014

    August 28,2014
    I just started 6th grade
  • April 1,2016

    April 1,2016
    I had just became friends with maranyeliz
  • July 10,2016

    July 10,2016
    Summer 16 and I went to a waterfall