Jan 1, 1440
Gutenberg Press
Americans first newspaper
Decleration of indpendence
French revolution
War of 1812
Election of 1860
Abe Lincon limited slavery to exsiting states -
US Civil War
Maxwell electromagnetic waves
Edison invents electic light
Bell invites the phone
Joseph Pulitzer establishes standards for new journalism
Thomas Edison invites the kinetoscope peep show
"Stunt Girl" Nellie Bly circles the world
American Marconi established
American Advertising Federatioin founded
Ivy Lee helps buisness image management for Rockefeller
Tianic sinks: Radio Act of 1912
World War 1
Federal Trade Commission established
in part to regulate advertising claims. -
Chaplin, Pickford, Douglas and Fairbanks create the United Artists
Edward Bernays propaganda book ( PR)
Women gain right to the votre
First Commerical Radio Broadcast
Passage of the radio act
Movies go big
War of worlds broadcast airs
War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast
Federal Food and Cosmetic Act
Telegraph is invented
Adopted in 1950 -
Korean War
I love lucy american telveison show airs
Kennedy Assassination
Beatles release their first album
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Pentagon Papers Case
30 Jun 1971 -
Watergate 1972-1974
Elvis Presley Dies
The Monica Lewinsky Scandal
September 11th attacks
Facebook is launched
YouTube is launched
First African-American President elected
US enters World War I
goverment nationalizes all radio communication and patents -
1944 D- day
Allies invade western europe