
Lincoln Timeline

  • Lincoln Delivers His Second Inaugural Address

    Lincoln Delivers His Second Inaugural Address
    Lincoln delivers his 2nd Inaugural speech in Washington DC.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    Confederate surrenders to the union.
  • Five Conspirators Arrested

    Five Conspirators Arrested
    Investigators receive a tip and it leads to an arrest of Lewis Powell, Michael O’Laughlen, Edman Spangler, Samuel Arnold and Mary Surrat.
  • Lincolns Funeral

    Lincolns Funeral
    Lincolns funeral is taken place in the White House. Thousands of people went to it.
  • Closing in on Booths

    Closing in on Booths
    Union troops pursue the fugitives to the Garret farm.
  • Herold Surrender, Booth Killed

    Herold Surrender, Booth Killed
    Booth is shot in the neck and Herold surrenders
  • Conspirators Stand Trial

    Conspirators Stand Trial
    Eight defendants stand trial for President Lincoln's murder and 4 is found guilty and are hanged. The other 4 are sent to prison.
  • Execution Day

    Execution Day
    Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold and George Atzerodt are hanged at the Old Arsenal Prison.
  • John Surrat Captured

    John Surrat Captured
    John Surratt, is captured in Alexandria, Egypt
  • O'Laughlen Dies

    O'Laughlen Dies
    Michael O’Laughlen dies at Fort Jefferson during a massive outbreak
  • Spangler Dies

    Spangler Dies
    Edman Spangler dies because of poor health
  • Mudd Dies

    Mudd Dies
    Samuel Mudd dies of pneumonia