Lincoln does not get chosen by the Illinois legislature to be US Senator
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At the first republican convention, Lincoln gets 110 votes for vice presidential nomination, thereby gaining national attention.
In Springfield, Lincoln speaks against the Dred Scott Decision
Lincoln is nominated to be the republican senator from Illinois. He gives his 'house divided' speech.
Lincoln delivers an impassioned speech on slavery in New Haven.
Lincoln is nominated to be the Republican candidate for the United States.
Lincoln is elected as 16th president of the United States.
First Inaugural Address
Civil War begins
Lincoln signs a law freeing slaves being used by the confederates in the war.
Lincoln's son, Willie, dies at age eleven.
Lincoln signs an act abolishing slavery in DC
Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves
Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln signs a bill creating a National Bank
Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address
Lincoln is nominated for a second term as President
Lincoln gives second Inaugural Address
Civil War concludes
Lincoln makes his last public speech which focuses on the problems of reconstruction
Lincoln and his wife see the play "Our American Cousin" at Ford Theatre. About 10:13 pm, John Wilkes Booth shoots the President in the head
Lincoln dies at 7:22 am
Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco farm in Virginia
Lincoln is laid to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetary
The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution is finally ratified, slavery is abolished
President Johnson presents plans for reconstruction. Civil Rights Act passed. 14th Amendment is passed.
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1st, 2nd, and 3rd reconstruction Acts are passed
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4th reconstruction Act passed
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Ulysses S Grant becomes President
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Hirum Revels elected to US senate (black). 15th Amendment is ratified.
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Freedmen's Bureau established
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Civil Rights Act enacted by congress
End of reconstruction
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