I was born
Demographics- How many children born in 1999 were named Lily? -
I started CFA
Social history- Cape Fear Academy was founded in 1966 right after schools became integrated. Could this be the reason the school was created? -
I celebrated Christmas in SC for the first time
Social history: When did gift giving become a part of the Christmas tradition? -
I got my first phone
Intellectual History- When was the first phone invented? -
Adopted our first family dog
Demographics- How many dogs are adopted a year versus bought? -
I moved in with my sister
Demographics: How many children in the US live with someone other than their parents? -
My brother got married
Social history- Why do marriages exist? -
I went to my first concert
Social History- When did rock music first enter the mainstream? -
I started high school
Demographics: How many children were enrolled in school in 2014? -
I found out I am becoming an aunt
Intellectual History: How has the pregnancy test evolved over the years as technology has advanced?