
Lijuan Mei -- Life As A Chinese Immigrant

By Steckel
  • Birth: Lijuan Mei

    Birth: Lijuan Mei
    My mother gave me the name, Lijuan Mei. Lijuan, in Chinese, means "beautiful and soft." My family's last name, Mei, means "a red gem." I grew up speaking english because my father was American, and my so did my grandma. I was the only child that my mother had ever had, so I grew up lonely and a bit spoiled. But that doesn't mean I lose my respect.
  • Historical Event #1: Hating Life

    Historical Event #1: Hating Life
    When I had just turned 16, my mother gave me up to my grandmother. At first, I didn't know why, but then, the very next day, my grandma said to me that mother tried to sneak in America to see my father. But she got lynched. From that point on, I had hated my life. I had no parents, and my grandmother became very abusive to me. I wanted nothing to do with her.
  • Historical Event #2: Wants A Real Home

    Historical Event #2: Wants A Real Home
    I finally realized that I am no longer a kid. I am an adult. So now, I can be moving out, away from my horrible grandmother. I'm 18, and I'm free. I had packed everything I had ever wanted, and I took all the money father and mother had left for me. If only they were alive, I would've probably be in America already. But for now, I am going to America alone, hoping my life would change for the better. I would sneak out tonight, and hurry up to arrive at Angel Island.
  • Historical Event #3: Wants to Go Back

    Historical Event #3: Wants to Go Back
    As I arrive too Angel Island, I can see this man pointing and directing immigrants to places. I told him I wanted a job, and he was surprised I even spoke english. He was so nice, and he directed me to such a wonderful place! Some Americans rob me, but I hid my necklace mother had given me. I can't afford to lose the last memory of my mother. I'm afraid now. What if they steal the necklace eventually?
  • Falling in Love

    Falling in Love
    I sat at a wooden bench, and this Irish man sits besides me. We made a quick eye contact, but suddenly, looked away. After a while, the man said 'hello', and I replied the same word back. I wrapped my fingers around my thick black hair, for I was nervous. I didn't know if he had the same feelings I had for him. I was surprised that we both spoke english. I told him about my life, and he told me about his. We both paused for a second, wondering what to say next. It was quite awkward.
  • Happily Ever After

    Happily Ever After
    The man's name was Brendan. He gave me a ring, and I was so happy! An American with no hair, makes fun of us. But I didn't care. "An Irish and a Chinese together!" He spitted. I tugged at Brendan's sleeve, and we left. We could hear him far across the distance, and other's gathering around him. For now, Brendan and I will get through it. The sun is setting, and I'm packing to move in with Brendan.