
The Lightbulb Invention

  • The first arc lamp

    The first arc lamp
    Humphry Davy created a lamp using voltos from a battery, which produced light greater than one thousand candles.
  • Period: to

    The Lightbulb

  • A lightbulb

    A lightbulb
    James Bowman Lindsay was the first person to contain an electrical charge inside of a glass bulb. Shared his creation.
  • Paris lights up

    Paris lights up
    Paris sets a record and becomes the first to light up the streets with electric street lamps.
  • Thomas Eddison and the lightbulb

    Thomas Eddison and the lightbulb
    Thomas Eddison patented a lamp in 1879 and then mad a 60-watt bulb in 1880.
  • Neon Lighting

    Neon Lighting
    Paris also demostrated the first neon lighting, whcih was created by georges claude.
  • Fluorescent lighting

    Fluorescent lighting
    Edmund Germer created fluorescent ligthing. This tpye of lighting became very popular.
  • Energy saving light

    Energy saving light
    The phillips company made a fluorescent energy saving light, But ended up to expensive for customers to buy
  • Longer lasting lightbulb

    Longer lasting lightbulb
    Phillips created a new fluorescent lightbulb that could last up to 60,000 hours and be produced at a price others could buy.
  • The LED light

    The LED light
    A man named shuji Nakamura created a type of lighting that was new to the public. using blue and white LED (Light-emitting diodes) he started the revolution of the LED lighting
  • Bigges energy savings EVER

    Bigges energy savings EVER
    As of 2012 more than 49 million LED bulbs were being used in the U.S.. This saved around 675$ million in energy costs.