Period: to
My 20s
Healthy Eating Priorities- 20s
During my 20s I will focus on eliminating fast food and processed food from my diet. I will also meet with a nutritionist to find out how many calories and how much protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats, and folic acid I should consume each day, so I get enough of these nutrients. As an extra precaution, I will refrain from excessive drinking, because it is an easy way to consume an excess amount of calories and gain weight, which will be harder to lose during my 30s. -
Physical Activity Priorities- 20s
I plan to engage in physical activity everyday during my 20s. Specifically, at least 30-60 minutes of low-intensity aerobic exercise (i.e. walking) each day, as well as 30-60 minutes of strength training (weight lifting) or high-intensity endurance exercises (rowing), three times a week. -
Preventive Healthcare Priorities- 20s
I will get a comprehensive physical exam every five years, in addition to annual checkups, which will include many tests/screenings pertaining to my cardiovascular health, respiratory health, reproductive health, and body composition. I will get plenty of sleep, eight hours a night, to prevent my asthma or chronic sinus issues from acting up. I will wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, to reduce my risk of skin cancer. I will also make sure to practice good hygiene. -
Period: to
My 30s
Healthy Eating Priorities- 30s
I plan to continue some of the eating habits of my 20s (no processed or fast food, no binge drinking). I will cut red meat out of my diet, eating only lean proteins, and will replace the whole or two percent milk in my diet with skim milk. I will also have myself reevaluated by a trusted nutritionist to see if I need to start taking vitamin or dietary supplements, and if so which ones. It will be important for me to start monitoring my sodium intake more closely, as a way to slowly reduce it. -
Physical Activity Priorities- 30s
I plan to engage in physical activity everyday during my 30s. Specifically, at least 30-60 minutes of aerobic weight-bearing exercises, like brisk walking, swimming, or biking, each day. I also plan to continue doing 30-60 minutes of strength training (weight lifting) or high-intensity endurance exercises (rowing), three times a week, as a way to boost my metabolism and help prevent osteoporosis. -
Preventive Healthcare Priorities- 30s
I will continue getting my annual checkup and a comprehensive physical exam every five years. I will get plenty of sleep, eight hours a night, to prevent my asthma or chronic sinus issues from acting up. I will start wearing sunscreen daily, to reduce my risk of skin cancer and premature aging of my skin. I will monitor my BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels to insure that they stay within a healthy range. I plan on balancing my responsibilities with things I enjoy, to reduce my stress. -
Period: to
My 40s
Healthy Eating Priorities- 40s
I will continue the eating habits I established during my 30s, paying extra attention to and decreasing my sodium and sugar intake, to insure I am not eating an excess amount, thus helping to prevent serious medical conditions, including heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. I will also make sure to consume alcohol only in moderation, and will reduce my caffeine consumption, if I haven't already . -
Physical Activity Priorities- 40s
I plan to continue the exercise routine I established during my 20s and 30s; perhaps decreasing the intensity or regularity of my strength training or endurance-based exercises if I am no longer able to complete my sets or urged to do so by a medical professional. As a way to celebrate this mile stone, I will also have my technique and strength evaluated by one of my gym's trainers, to see if they have any suggestions or concerns that would help me exercise more effectively and safely. -
Preventive Healthcare Priorities- 40s
I will now get a comprehensive physical exam every three years, which will include many tests/screenings pertaining to my cardiovascular health, respiratory health, reproductive health, vision, hearing, and body composition; now more important than ever. I will carefully monitor my blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and homocysteine levels, and resting heart rate, to help prevent serious medical conditions. I will also work to reduce my stress as a way to maintain my mental health. -
Period: to
My 50s
Healthy Eating Priorities- 50s
I will continue practicing the healthy eating habits of my passed decades. I will prioritize getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, fiber, vitamins and minerals each day. I will get reevaluated by my nutritionist to see if I have to make any big changes, or change/increase what nutritional supplements I am taking. I will make sure to stay hydrated, dehydration is a very serious problem with older adults, which should help my health across the board. -
Physical Activity Priorities- 50s
I will basically continue the exercise regime of my 40s, with some changes to compensate for my aging. I will try to get at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity everyday, including aerobic exercise for heart health and weight-bearing exercise to reduce my risk of osteoporosis. -
Preventive Healthcare Priorities- 50s
I will now get a comprehensive physical exam every two years, along with routine checkups, in order to maintain my health and catch any signs of a serious medical condition before it is able to develop. I will make sure to get enough sleep, and talk to my doctor if I have difficulty doing so. I will look for ways to reduce my stress and challenge my mind to maintain my mental, emotional, and intellectual health. I will continue to hydrate regularly and will stop drinking alcohol and caffeine. -
Period: to
My 60s
Healthy Eating Habits- 60s
I will continue to not eat processed or fast food and food high in sodium or sugar. I will make sure to eat 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 3 servings of fiber-rich, whole grains, 2 or 3 servings of low-fat dairy products, and 46g of protein, optimally from skinless chicken, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds, every day. I will make sure that I am hydrated at all times. I will make sure not to over-eat by controlling my potion sizes. -
Physical Activity Priorities- 60s
I will make sure to get at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week, consisting of low-intensity aerobic exercises, like walking, and perhaps light weight training and/or resistance training. I will make sure to get the okay from my doctor before starting any new exercise programs, in case they are unsafe. -
Preventive Healthcare Priorities- 60s
I will make sure to visit my doctor often for check-ups, health screenings and diagnostic tests, and immunizations. I will make sure to visit my doctor if I notice any sudden changes in my physical, emotional, or mental health. I will make sure my house has a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector that works properly. I will make sure to wear sunscreen everyday, get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, reduce my stress or anxiety, and stay as socially and intellectually active as possible.