Lifetime Personal Health

  • Period: to


    Healthy Eating: learn and develop healthy eating habits for the rest of my life.
    Physical Activity: Stay active and find an exercise routine that fits into my professional career.
    Preventative Health Care: Get annual check-up and pay attention to how my body is acting and respond accordingly.
  • Period: to


    Healthy eating: Cut out almost all junk food and eat healthily in order to maintain body weight even with a lower metabolism.
    Physical activity: Continue playing tennis at least 5/7 days of the week in order to stimulate metabolism.
    Preventative health care: Remember to wear sunscreen, reducing stress by balancing my work life with the things I enjoy doing, and going in for recommended diagnostic tests and screening procedures.
  • Period: to


    Healthy eating: Continue the healthy eating habits developed earlier in life in order to reduce stress and prevent as many illnesses as possible.
    Physical Exercise: Continue exercising almost everyday to keep my metabolism going.
    Preventative health care:Get physical, dental, and eye exams along with blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes screenings. Also get cancer tests and baseline skin exam and EKG and immunizations.
  • Period: to


    Healthy eating: Cutting back the amount of sodium in my diet. Limiting unhealthy fats and increasing fruit and vegetable, lean pretein, and healthy fat intakes.
    Physical activity: Continue getting at least 30-60 minutes of aerobic and weight bearing exercises most days of the week in order to maintain a healthy body weight.
    Preventative care:Regular physical, dental and eye exams. Blood, choloesterol, and diabetes screening and tests for cancers including skin and colorectal. Get immunizations
  • Period: to


    Healthy eating: Having good nutrition by eating a wide variety of foods including: fruits and veggies, whole grains, low-fat dairy poroducts, and lean meats and proteins.
    Physical activity: Get at least 30 minutes of excercise most days to maintain a healthy weight and metabolism.
    Preventative health care: Getting regular chack-ups and vaccines reccomended by your healthcare provider.