Lifetime Personal Health

  • Period: to


    Focus: The focus for my 20s will be eating healthy meals that fit into my schedule, having a healthy weight and amount of activity, and avoiding drugs or alcohol.
  • Have a Healthy Diet

    Have a Healthy Diet
    Limit fast food and processed food consumption to have a healthier diet. Regulate portion sizes and chew food slowly to get important nutrients like protein, calcium, potassium, etc.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

    Maintain a Healthy Weight
    Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid Alcohol/Drugs

    Avoid Alcohol/Drugs
    Don't smoke, use tobacco products, or drink an excess of alcohol to avoid any health concerns that are associated with these substances.
  • Period: to


    Focus: The focus of my 30s will be eating a balance of the various food groups, and getting more exercise to improve both my physical exercise and preventative health care.
  • Balance Food from Various Groups

    Balance Food from Various Groups
    Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and low/nonfat dairy products. Avoid consuming too much sodium.
  • Exercise Regularly

    Exercise Regularly
    Find an enjoyable aerobic activity to do for 30-60 minutes on most days of the week.
  • Stay Active

    Stay Active
    Keep exercising regularly to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
  • Period: to


    Focus: The focus for my 40s will be to have a diet that prevents health conditions, keep up exercise to reduce stress, and get regular medical exams to avoid health concerns.
  • Be Watchful of Diet

    Be Watchful of Diet
    Take caution to dietary restrictions/ supplements to prevent conditions like diabetes and osteoporosis.
  • Maintain an Exercise Schedule

    Maintain an Exercise Schedule
    Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days to help prevent/manage stress.
  • Get Regular Medical Exams

    Get Regular Medical Exams
    Contact a health care provider, learn about family history, and get checkups if an changes in regular health occur to prevent health problems.
  • Period: to


    Focus: The focus for my 50s is to limit intake of unhealthy substances, stay active to maintain health and weight, and avoid smoking or tobacco products.
  • Avoid Unhealthy Substances

    Avoid Unhealthy Substances
    Cut back on sodium and unhealthy fat intake, and instead eat healthy fats such as omega 3s.
  • Keep Staying Active

    Keep Staying Active
    Get 30-60 minutes of physical activity on most days- do aerobic exercise for heart health and weight-bearing exercises to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Avoid Smoking or Tobacco Products

    Avoid Smoking or Tobacco Products
    Do not smoke or use tobacco products- quit if they have already been used for years and use programs or medication to help quit if it's necessary.
  • Period: to


    Focus: The focus for my 60s is to have a diet preventative of obesity, be active despite old age, and learn about/watch for health warning signs.
  • Have a Diet to Prevent Obesity

    Have a Diet to Prevent Obesity
    Eat healthy foods and watch for portion sizes to compensate for a slowed metabolism and to prevent being overweight/obese.
  • Be Active, Despite Old Age

    Be Active, Despite Old Age
    Get at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days, and find activities that match body type and interests.
  • Learn About and Watch for Health Warning Signs

    Learn About and Watch for Health Warning Signs
    Learn about the warning signs for serious conditions like heart disease, and contact a health care provider about any changes in health.