Make sure I am eating enough fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated. Continue to stay active by playing soccer, riding bike, hiking. Focus on getting enough sleep and having good work-life balance. -
Stay active by playing soccer, riding bike, hiking, Continue to focus on good work-life balance and getting enough sleep. Make sure diet is balanced despite a busy lifestyle. Know signs of cancer and go in for screening if suspected. -
Stay active by hiking and riding bike, especially since soccer is probably out of the picture. Continue to be aware of possible cancer. Focus on diet, eating large amounts of vegetables and less heavy meats. -
Focus more on staying active, hiking and possibly jogging. Go to doctor on schedule for screenings and check ups. Be aware of cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Continue to eat lean diet, begin to focus on fiber. -
Continue regular doctor visits for screenings and check ups. Stay active by jogging and hiking. Continue to eat lean diet and focus on cholesterol and fiber. -
Stay active by walking, hiking. Continue to see doctor for screenings, check ups. Continue to eat lean diet, mostly plant based.