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Healthy Living in your 20's
-Be aware of yourself: the independence of young adulthood also requires more self-care and awareness.
-Know what to expect: common health issues in your 20's involve sexual and mental health, so be aware of any changes in those categories.
-Maintain a healthy lifestyle: eating a balanced diet, getting a good amount of exercise and sleep, and consuming the right amounts of vitamins and minerals are some of the best ways to keep yourself healthy in your 20's. -
Period: to
Healthy Living in your 30's
-Watch your weight: because metabolism slows down in these years, it is important to pay attention to how your body process certain foods and how they affect your weight.
-Take care of yourself: take time to relax and focus on you, without losing track of things that protect or harm your body. Cramming in too many tasks in a short amount of time lead to overuse injuries.
-Build your body: muscle mass begins to be replaced by fat in this decade of life. -
Period: to
Healthy Living in your 40's
-Common concerns: heart problems, chronic pain, osteoporosis, and many other life-threatening conditions (as well as vison/hearing and sexual health) have increased risk during this decade so be sure to have frequent talks with your doctor if strange symptoms occur.
-Added with age: screening tests and basic medical exams become more important as you get older.
-Keep up the good work: getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals can be extremely helpful to prevent issues in this decade. -
Period: to
Healthy Living in your 50's
-Stay active: because health begins to gradually decline in this decade regardless of how you've treated your body in the past, it is important to keep your body and mind active by exercising and challenging your mind.
-Medical madness: a great number of medical conditions become more common when people hit the age of 50, therefore it is important to ask your doctor if you have any concerns about changes in your body. -
Period: to
Healthy Living in your 60's
With Increased Age Comes Increased Risk: the risk for things like heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis, etc. greatly increases as you age so it is important now more than ever to seek professional help for any concerns.
Be Proactive: taking care of an aging body is important, and the best way to do so is by eating healthy, getting good exercise, challenging your mind, and maintaining healthy social habits.