Lifetime Personal Health

  • Period: to


  • Age: 22: In your 20s, you want to be excerizing a lot and eathing lots of protiens and nutrients. Make sure you have everything in adequate proportion. Use these years to find what types of excercize you like!

    In your 20s, you want to be exercisng a lot and eathing lots of protiens and nutrients. Make sure you have everything in adequate proportion. Use these years to find what types of excercize you like! Get regular check ups.
  • Age: 32: In your 30s, you will probably be in the midst of having kids. At this time, you want to make sure you are compensating for what is being giving to the baby and not to your body. Keep in shape and stay away from unhealthy substances.

    In your 30s, you will probably be in the midst of having kids. At this time, you want to make sure you are compensating for what is being giving to the baby and not to your body. Keep in shape and stay away from unhealthy substances. Visit female doctor/ baby doctor and make sure everything is in balance.
  • Age: 42

    In your 40s, your metabolism might be slowing down and your body won't be able to do what it used to. If your aren't able to do as many impact exercises, do more endurance low impact exercises. Also, take in more calcium for your bones and make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegatables for nutrients. Cancer often comes at this time in people's lives, so start getting checked for that.
  • Age: 52

    In your 50s, your body is going through a massive change: menopause. You will have to compensate these changes by adjusted to the best diet you need to get all the nutrients, calcium, and proteins you need. Keep exercising. Get checks for cancer and other illnesses.
  • Age: 62

    Make walking and swimming your best friends. You probably won't be able to do many high impact exercises anymore. Get checked for cancer. Take in more calcium for your bones.