Period: to
Health Tips
Make sure to eat a healthy diet, have regular exercise for a healthy weight, consume your daily dosage of nutrients and portion sizes, don't smoke or use tobacco products, stay away from illegal substances, do not drink a lot, don't drink and drive, and get the proper amount of sleep. Don't consume a lot of junk food to reduce the risk of heart disease and other problems like diabetes. Be safe: wear seatbelts and helmets, and don't drink and drive. -
Routine Healthcare
Get a medical check-up at least twice a year and have your blood pressure checked. Women should have a gynecological exam, breast exam, and Pap test every 2 to 3 years and should take the necessary prematal care. Men should have a testicular exam by their health care provider and self-check themselves. Get screened for high cholesterol. Go to the dentist every 6-12 months. Get tested for skin cancer by a dermatologist. Know your BMI, take regular eye exams, and get the recommended immunizations. -
Topics of Concern
Be informed about contraception methods, safer sex, STDs, STD prevention, and HIV screenings. Reduce the stress in your life. Talk to a health professional if you experience symptoms of depression. -
Healthy Eating
Do not eat lots of fast food, processed food, or food with lots of preservatives. Make sure to eat enough fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-nonfat dairy products. Make sure that you are consuming the correct amount of nutrients including, protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats, and folic acid. Do not over or under eat; it's important to pay attention to serving sizes.If supplements are recommended by your healthcare provider, take them. -
Physical Activity
Exercise at least 30 minutes every day. For best results, vary your exercise routine from day to day. Do weight-bearing exercises that will help to strengthen your bones. -
Preventive Healthcare
Make sure to do weight-bearing exercises that reduce the risk for osteoporosis.In order to reduce your risk of skin cancer, vision problems, and premature aging of the skin, use sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays and has and SPF of at least 15. Do not go to indoor tanning salons. Try to keep your body covered from the sun. Make sure to have proper hygiene that includes showering, brushing and flossing, etc. Find a primary care provider and learn about your family health history. -
Health Tips
Due to a slower metabolism, make sure to watch your weight so that it remains in a healthy zone. Ezt a health diet with all f the necessary nutrients in it. Make sure to exercise regularly for 30 to 60 minutes most of the week. Be sure to get enough sleep to keep up you health! -
Period: to
Routine Healthcare
Do as your healthcare providers say and make sure to follow the preventive care recommendations as well as screenings. Medical checkups should be made every 1 to 2 years. Make sure to have gynecological exams, clinic breast exams, and Pap tests as often as recommended. Males should have clinical testicular exams as recommended. You should also go to the dentist, have eye and hearing exams done, have cholesterol and skin cancer screenings, and get all recommended immunizations. -
Topics of Concern
Be informed about safer sex as well as STD/HIV prevention. Talk to your healthcare provider about contraception, infertility, pregnancy, and prenatal care. Make sure your mental and emotional health are in check. If they aren't, talk to a healthcare provider. To take care of your skin, moisturize, cleanse twice daily, and use sunscreen before sun exposure. Prevent and take care of back pain by doing strengthening exercises and talking to your healthcare provider. Build muscle to prevent new fat. -
Healthy Eating
Eat a well-rounded diet that includes the proper amount of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and low to nonfat dairy products. In order to help maintain health even beyond your thirties, you should have plenty of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients like iron, folic acid, calcium, ptassium, B vitamins, vitamin D, fiber, and healthy omega-3 fats. Also decrease the amount of sodium in your diet, as well as processed food and fast-food. -
Physical Activity
Exercise most days of the week for 30 to 60 minutes. Exercise can lower your risk of heart disease and some types of cancer (like breast cancer) and osteoporosis. Aerobic weight-bearing exercises as well as strength training can boost metabolism and help prevent osteoporosis. -
Preventive Healthcare
Don't smoke or use tobacco products, protect yourself from the sun by covering up and using sunscreen, drink in moderation, avoid illegal drugs and substances, only use prescription and over-the-counter drugs as directed, reduce stress by taking time to relax, monitor your BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and follow your healthcare provider's instructions. Use smoke detectors, don't drink and drive, wear a seatbelt & a helmet, follow safety regulations, & follow firearm safety regulations. -
Health Tips
Keep up your healthy lifestyle choices such as eating right, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not smoking, only drinking alcohol in moderation, and wearing your seatbelt. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your physical, mental, or emotional health. Talk to them about recommended routine exams, screenings, and immunizations. Always make sure you are being safe by following the rules, laws, and regulations. Be aware of your family's health history. -
Period: to
Routine Healthcare
Always follow the advice of your healthcare provider. Generally you should get physical exams every 2 to 3 years, dental exams every 6 months to 1 year, eye exams and blood pressure screenings every 2 years, cholesterol screening every 5 years, diabetes screening as recommended, baseline skin exams, baseline EKG, colorectal cancer screening beginning at age 45, immunizations, breast exams, pelvis exams, mammograms, Pap tests, and bone density test for women. Testicular exams for males. -
Topics of Concern
Be aware of arthritis, backpain, and other painful chronic conditions such as tendonitis, try to reduce stress, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and homocysteine levels, resting heart rate, blood glucose, BMI, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression, sexual and reproductive health (female sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, STDs/HIV/AIDS, testosterone deficiency, and premenopause), skin problems like adult acne, sun damage, wrinkles, and age spots, and changes in vision and hearing. -
Healthy Eating
Continue to consume a well-rounded diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, protein, and low to non-fat dairy products. Don't eat a lot of processed or junk food. Make sure to consume all of the necessary supplements, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health. -
Physical Activity
Continue to be active every day. Maintain bone strength by doing weight-bearing exercises. Make sure to exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day. -
Preventive Healthcare
You can help prevent health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and other types of cancer by living a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to get enough sleep, drink alcohol in moderation, wear your seatbelt and helmet, eat healthy foods, and follow all laws, regulations, and rules. -
Health Tips
Continue to have a healthy diet throught your 50s. Be active both mentally and physically. To improve your brain function, maintain relationships with people that you are close to, and join a club or activity. Also, be sure to maintain a healthy weight since your metabolism slows down as you get older. -
Period: to
Routine Healthcare
Get your physical exam done every 2 years, go to the dentist every 6 months to 1 year, get eye exams done every 2 years, have your blood pressure screened every year, get your cholesterol screened every 5 years, get screened for diabetes as recommended, get a skin exam every year, get a baseline EKG, get screened for colorectal cancer, get all immunizations, women should have their annual breast exam, pelvic exam, Pap test, HPV test, and bone density test. Men should get testicular exams. -
Topics of Concern
Areas of concern are abnormal blood sugar levels, anxiety, cancer, changes in vision, chronic pain, depression, digestive issues, erectile dysfunction, hair loss in men and women, hearing loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglycerides, and homocysteine levels, menopause, osteoporosis, overactive bladder, prostate issues, thyroid problems, and urinary incontinence. -
Healthy Eating
Continue to eat healthy and reduce your sodium intake. Eat proper portions of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, fiber, vitamins, and minerals every day. Talk to your doctor about taking additional supplements. -
Physical Activity
Be active every day for 30 to 60 minutes. Do aerobic exercises to maintain heart health and do weight-bearing exercises to reduce your risk of osteoporosis. -
Preventive Healthcare
Make sure to maintain a healthy diet, get sufficient exercise both physically and mentally, maintain a healthy weight, do not smoke or use tobacco products, get enough sleep, reduce stress as it can cause increased risk of health problems and may speed up the aging process, and only drink alcohol in moderation. -
Health Tips
Talk to your healthcare provider if you have concerns agout your cognitive function or mental health. Always drive safely and wear a seatbelt. Use a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. Store firearms safely, wear a helmet on bikes, have safer sex, don't set the water heater higher that 120-130 degrees farenheit, learn CPR, and reduce your risk of falling. -
Period: to
Routine Healthcare
Get your regular checkups, have your annual flu vaccine, get your blood pressure screened once a year, have a bone density test, have your breast exam and mammogram every year for women, have a colonoscopy, go to the dentist, get a digital rectal exam and fecal occult blood test annually, get eye exams, get a fasting blood glucose test every 3 years, get your hepatitis vaccines, get Pap tests and pelvic exams as recommended, get your pneumonia vaccine, PSA tests, testicular exam, & thyroid test. -
Topics of Concern
There is an increased risk for heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, some cancers, benign prostatic hyperplasia, incontinence, and others. -
Healthy Eating
Do not eat a lot of food that is high in fat and/or sugar, but try to eat a variety of foods. You should eat 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 3 servings of whole grains, 2 or 3 servings of non to low-fat dairy products, ean meats and proteins, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. -
Physical Activity
Exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week. Find the type of exercise that is best for your body. Also, try to find something that you enjoy doing. -
Preventive Healthcare
Do not smoke or use tobacco products. Protect your heart by knowing your blood pressure, cholesterole, fasting blood glucose, BMI and waist circumference, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. Be at a healthy weight and exercise regularly. Make sure to eat healthy and follow the instructions that your healthcare provider gives you.