Health in your Sixties
Health in your Twenties
Period: to
20's : Hygiene and Medical Issues
Practice good hygiene. Shower or bathe daily, brush and f loss your teeth twice a day, and f ollow recommendations f or preventing illnesses, such as washing your hands frequently. Find a primary care provider and medical specialists, and talk to your parents and other relatives about your family health history to help determine your genetic risk for certain medical conditions. Share information about your family and personal medical history with your health care providers. -
Period: to
20's : Health Care
Have a medical check-up at least every 2 years, or as recommended by your health care provider, including blood pressure screening.
For women: Have a gynecological exam, clinical breast exam and Pap test every 2 to 3 years, or as recommended by your health care provider. Prenatal care is important--contact your doctor if you think you may be pregnant.
For men: Have clinical testicular exam as recommended by your health care provider and perf orm regular self-exams. -
Period: to
20's : Healthy Eating
It is very important to manage one's health. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight by limiting fast foods and processed foods and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low- or nonfat dairy products. Avoid illegal substances and drink alcohol only in moderation. -
Health in your Thirties
Period: to
30's : Hygiene and Medical Issues
Do not smoke or use tobacco products.
Protect yourself f rom the damaging ef f ects of the sun. Wear sunscreen daily and whenever you spend time in the sun.
Drink alcohol only in moderation, if at all. Avoid illegal drugs and substances. Use prescription and over-the-counter drugs only as directed.
Make time for yourself and for relationships that are important to you.Balance your responsibilities with things you enjoy and never underestimate the value of a relaxing bath or a short walk! -
Period: to
30's : Health Care
Always wear your seat belt. Obey the speed limit and all traffic laws—including those regarding cell phone use while driving.
Never drink and drive or ride with an impaired driver. If you ride a bicycle, motorcycle or recreational vehicle, be sure to wear a helmet. Take care of your mental and emotional health, build muscle, and have checkups over issues such as eye, skin, and dental care. -
Period: to
30's : Healthy Eating
Maintain a healthy weight. Metabolism slows down with age and beginning in our 30s, losing weight is often more dif f icult—especially f or women. But being overweight or obese increases our risk f or chronic medical conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and certain types of cancer, and can have a negative impact on our daily lives. Essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such as iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, B and D Vitamins, are essential to good health. -
Period: to
40's : Healthy Eating
Exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not smoking, drinking alcohol only in moderation, and wearing your seat belt can help reduce your risk f or a number of chronic medical conditions. -
Period: to
40's : Hygiene and Medical Issues
Blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and homocysteine levels, resting heart rate, stress, and chronic pain should al be checked and stabilized as it could lead to disease. Sexual and reproductive health is an important part of overall health in your 40s. -
Period: to
40's : Health Care
The following are general guidelines for people 40–49 years old:
Physical exam (check-up)—Every 2 or 3 years
Dental exam and cleaning—Every 6 months to 1 year
Comprehensive eye exam—every 2 years or as recommended
Blood pressure screening—Every 2 years
Cholesterol screening—Every 5 years or as recommended Diabetes screening—as recommended in people at increased risk and those with certain health
conditions, such as high blood pressure. -
Health in your Fourties
Health in your Fifties
Period: to
50's : Hygiene and Medical Issues
Recommendations for medical exams, screening procedures, routine tests and immunizations in your 50s vary depending on your family history, your overall health and your personal risk factors. Do not smoke or use tobacco products, get enough sleep and limit stress. -
Period: to
50's : Health Care
Physical exam
Dental exam and cleaning—every 6 months to 1 year or as recommended Comprehensive eye exam—every 2 years or as recommended
Blood pressure screening
Skin exam to determine your skin cancer risk—every year or as recommended
Colorectal cancer screening—beginning at age 50; earlier if at increased risk
Immunizations—annual flu vaccine, tetanus booster pneumococcal and hepatitis vaccines
Screening tests for men in their 50s—prostate cancer screening as recommended -
Period: to
50's : Healthy Eating
Eat healthy. Pay attention to good nutrition and cut back on sodium (salt) in your diet. Limit foods that are high in unhealthy fat and be sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats (omega 3s), whole grains, fiber, vitamins and minerals each day. Stay active—physically and mentally. Get at least 30 – 60 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Walking, jogging, biking, swimming, hiking, dancing and weight lif ting are good choices. -
Period: to
60's : Healthy Eating
Eat healthy. Good nutrition is an important diet goal as you get older. Limit processed foods and those that are high in fat and/or sugar.Aim to eat a wide variety of foods, including:
Fruits and vegetables (4-5 servings per day) Fiber-rich, whole grains (3 servings per day) Non- or low-fat dairy products (2 or 3 servings per day) -
Period: to
60's : Hygiene and Medical Issues
Annual flu vaccine
Blood pressure screening
Bone density test
Dental exam
Digital rectal exam Eye exam
Fasting blood glucose test
Pneumonia vaccine -
Period: to
60's : Health Care
Contact your health care provider if you notice changes in or have concerns about your cognitive function or mental health, especially if you are experiencing memory loss or confusion; are being abused— physically, verbally or emotionally; are unable to take care of yourself ; or are f eeling depressed, anxious or overwhelmed.
Always wear a seat belt with lap/shoulder straps whenever you're in a car. Never ride with an impaired driver or drive yourself if you are not feeling well.