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Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20-29

    Now I am in my 20s. Each morning I start my day with a breakfast taco with eggs and bacon and fruit on the side. Then I'll drink a fruit smoothie with protein mixed in. For lunch, I'll take a break from work and eat some grilled chicken along with more fruit. After my job, I'll go to the gym and get exercise in for an hour or two. Once I finish, my dinner will consist of more protein such as fish along with some vegetables. My preventative care will be focused on my car and myself.
  • 30-39

    For the next decade, I'm in my 30s. For breakfast, I start off with a muffin topped with peanut butter and some sliced bananas. To finish this, I drink some orange juice for that vitamin-D. At lunch, I have more fruit along with a salad with proteins mixed in. After work I go to the gym for an hour and work on cardio. Then I have some steak along with some mashed potatoes and a salad with grilled chicken mixed in it as my dinner. My preventive care will be focused on my car, myself, and family.
  • 40-49

    For the next decade, I will be in my 40s. My breakfast will be 1 cup of high fiber cereal with milk and berries. During lunch I will eat a turkey sandwich with a whole wheat bun and a vegetable juice on the side. After work, I will head over to the gym to workout to keep my belly in shape. Then, I will head home to enjoy some salmon with asparagus and garbanzo beans. My preventive care will now be more focused on my health and my family's health and funds for my kids college and less on my car.
  • 50-59

    Now I'm in my 50s. In the morning, I will still be eating cereal that's high in fiber with berries mixed in. During lunch, I will enjoy some cheese and crackers along with nuts. For my exercise, I may go to the gym but will start going on more walks at this time. For dinner, I will have some seafood, either sushi or salmon that will give me "good" fats. For my preventive care, I will now be focusing on my health as well as my wife's, and less on my car since I won't be using it as often anymore.
  • 60-69

    At this point I am in my 60s. In the morning I will have some oatmeal mixed with berries. For my lunch I will be eating fruits along with tuna sandwiches on whole wheat bread. I will no longer be going to the gym but instead each day I will go on walks. After my walk, I will come home to have dinner, this dinner will consist of broccoli cheddar soup with some steamed vegetables on the side. For my preventive plan, it will now be fully committed to me and my wife since we will rarely ever drive.