Period: to
My 20s
Eating healthy
Take extra care that you are getting enough protein, calcium, healthy omega 3 fats, and folic acid. Pay more attention to the size of portions and take supplements if recommended by a doctor. Eating a healthy diet will reduce risk of heart disease, and diabetes. -
Physical Activity
To avoid risk of osteoporosis later in life, it is important to take time to do weight-bearing exercises, such as hiking, running, and strength training. Get regular exercise; at least 30 minutes most days of the week. For bst results, vary you exercise program. -
Preventative Health Care
Protect the skin and eyes by always using sunblock of at least SPF 15 when in the sun and avoiding indoor tanning salons. Find a primary care provider and go for routine check ups. If you have increased risk for high cholesterol, have a screening during this time in your 20s. -
Period: to
My 30s
Healthy Eating
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and low fat products. Limit intake of processed foods and fast food, and cut down amount of sodium (salt) in our diet. -
Physicaly Activity
Find an activty or two that you enjoy doing; brisk walking, jogging, dancing, biking, swimming or playing sports. Get 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Getting regular xercise will boost metabolism and prevent osteoporosis. -
Preventative Health Care
Do not smoke or use tobacco. Wear sunscreen always. Moderate drinking. Avoid illegal drugs and substances. Take time to relax and reduce stress. Moniter things such as BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. -
Period: to
My 40s
Healthy Eating
Take extra care that you have a very balaced diet. This will prevent problems with blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and homocysteine, all things that become an increased risk in your 40s. -
Physical Activity
Get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily to help manage stress and prevent osteoporosis. -
Preventative Health Care
Get a physical check-up every 2-3 years. Get a dental exam every 6-12 months. Get an eye exam every 2 years. Get immunizations and screenings for cholesterol, diabetes, and skin cancer. -
Period: to
My 50s
Eating Healthy
Pay attention to good nutrition and cut down on sodium intake. Limit food intake that is high in unhealthy fats. Get plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, fiber, vitamins, and minerals every day. -
Physical Activity
Get at least 30-60 physical activity on most days. Get aerobic exercise for heart health and weight-breaing exericse to reduce risk of osteoporosis. Walk, job, bike, swim, hie, dance and weight lift for exercise. -
Preventative Health Care
Maintain a healthy weight. Do not smkoe or use tobacco products. Get enough sleep, take time to reduce stress, and only drink in moderation. Get regular medical and dental check ups. -
Period: to
My 60s
Healthy Eating
Limit processed foods and those high in fat/sugar. Eat a wide variety of foods like; fruits and vegetables (4-5 daily servings), fiber-rich, whole grains (3 servings per day), non/low fat dairy products (2-3 daily servings), lean meat/protein (46-56 g per day) -
Physical Activity
Get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. Examples of healthy exercise include; walking , swimming, water aerobics, bowling, dancing, light weight training, and resistance training. -
Preventative Health Care
Get annual flu vaccine, get blood pressure screening each year, bone density test at age 60-65. Get a breat exam and mammogram if you're a woman. Get a colonoscopy. Get a dental exam every 6 months. Other recommended tests include eye exam, rectal exam, blood glucose test, pap test and pelvic exam (for women).