Lifetime Personal Health

  • Sexually active

    20th Birthday
  • Every 6 months go get tested for STDs

    In your 20s you are most likely to be sexually active and that is okay, if you are its important to get check ups every now and then.
  • Where a Condom

    Its important to have safe sex is any. A condom will protect you from STDs and from pregnancy.
  • Drinking can become an issue

    30th Birthday
  • Don't drink every day.

    Its okay to be a social drinker, but the less you drink the better it it for your health.
  • Make safe desisions

    If you are under the influence make sure not to drive or do anything that could put yourself or others in danger.
  • Start eating well

    40th Birthday
  • Maintain a healthy diet

    Your body is sensitive and a bad diet could lead to many health issues.
  • Exercise is still important

    50th birthday
  • Exercise 60 mins a day

    Exercise is important because as you get older you need to keep your muscles and bones strong
  • Prepare for death

    60th Birthday
  • Understand what is coming

    Death could be far or it could be close but its important to be mentally prepared.
  • Live your best Life

    Its important to remain mentally healthy. And communicate with your family that everything is going to be okay.