- diet: avoid fast and processed food, focus on getting in essential nutrients (protein, calcium, potassium, omega-3 fats, etc.)
- exercise: go for walks, do a more intense physical activity at least 3x a week
- healthcare: checkup every 2 yrs, gynecological and breast exams every 2-3 yrs, dental exam every 6-12 months, eye exam every 1-2 yrs, recommended immunizations
Period: to
Lifetime Health Plan
- diet: reduce sodium intake, continue to eat nutritious foods, take supplements if necessary
- exercise: continue to get 30-60 minutes of exercise a day, do back-strengthening exercises, focus on weight-bearing workouts
- healthcare: checkup every 1-2 yrs, continue previous healthcare routines
- diet: continue eating well
- exercise: 30 mins moderate physical activity per day, continue strength-training
- healthcare: continue previous healthcare routines, blood pressure screening every 2 yrs, cholesterol screening every 5 years, baseline skin exam, baseline EKG, annual breast and pelvic exams
- diet: continue to eat well and limit sodium intake, limit consumption of unhealthy fats
- exercise: do both aerobic and weight-bearing exercise, exercise your mind (take up a hobby, be social)
- healthcare: continue previous healthcare routines, annual skin exam, colorectal cancer screening
- diet: continue to eat well, focus on getting enough fiber, reduce intake of unhealthy fats and sodium
- exercise: exercise 30 mins most days of the week
- healthcare: focus on heart health (know and monitor blood pressure, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, tryglicerides, fasting blood glucose, BMI), annual blood pressure screening, bone density test, colonoscopy and tetanus shot every 10 yrs, annual rectal exam and fecal occult blood test, thyroid test every 5 yrs, shingles and pneumonia vaccines
- get enough sleep
- practice stress-management techniques
- wear seatbelts
- wear sunscreen, take care of skin
- avoid drugs and excessive drinking
- don't smoke
- monitor physical and mental health