• Birth

  • Start Elementary

  • Period: to

    Harvest Christian School

  • Hurricane Katrina

    The church I grew up in closed their school in 2005. When Katrina hit, the church took in refugees and housed them in the classrooms/summer camp dorm rooms. It was impactful to watch how Oklahomans came to together to help Louisianians settle here and begin their new life.
  • Period: to

    Southwest Covenant School

  • Mom Broke Both Feet

    When we were in the process of moving into my dad's automotive shop after losing our house, my mom fell off a ladder and broke both feet. I'm an only child and had a mother that did a lot for me. This event caused me to grow up and become more independent.
  • House Foreclosure

    Last time I went to my childhood home. I never forget looking at the alfalfa field that we watched throughout the seasons, knowing it would be the last time I saw it.
  • Grandma Died

    She was active the day before, but on Christmas night, she asked us to stay another night. I told my mom that I had a gut feeling Grandma wasn't going to wake up in the morning. My parents woke me up around 6 am and without them saying anything, I already knew. We didn't have a white Christmas that year, but on the 26th, the most peaceful snow I've ever seen fell that day.
  • Period: to

    High school Love - Zack

    The infamous high school sweetheart that girl fall hard in and almost throw away their entire life for. Thankfully mine wasn't long. He ended things by cheating with his ex-girlfriend on his birthday. Her and I later became best friends for a few years until we grew apart.
  • Period: to

    Rose State College

    Attended way to long to continue in a first time program of Meteorology. Proud of the degree but partial reason for me becoming burnt out on college.
  • High School Graduation

  • Period: to

    Abusive Relationship - Chris

    Emotionally and physically abusive relationship that I have no regrets about. I stayed way too long but I learned countless life lessons from this relationship. Telling the judge while in front of my father what happened to me was more embarrassing than actual going through the abuse. I was not raised in a house where abuse of any sort took place.
  • Moved to Summit Pointe

    Moved to a safer apt complex
  • Moved Out of Parents

    Edmond/Guthrie to first apt - 44th and Sunnylane
  • Oh Golly Miss Molly

    Adopted my puppy Molly. She was instant love for me. One of the most amazing days in my life.
  • Moved to Norman

    Abusive relationship needed to be moved to Norman
  • Period: to

    Attended OU

    First return to school
  • Moved back to Edmond

    I stayed in Norman for another year after Chris and I ended. I needed it from myself but eventually decided it was time for me to move back to Edmond but not with my parents.
  • Period: to

    Attended UCO

    Transferred when I moved to Edmond until I made a bad decision drinking.
  • Bad Night of Drinking

    It happened. It sucked. Never been more scared to call my parents after getting out of situation. Another life event with plenty of lessons.
  • Death of Molly

    I'll never forget coming home from work at 1 am to my parents being on the front porch. I figured something happened to my older dog Bella. They told me Molly was hit by a car on my dad's watch. I collapsed. A piece of my heart left me. We had been through so much together. She was the closest thing I've had to a baby. I'd do anything to have her back. It's a loss I will never forget.
  • Moved to back to Norman

    My heart has been here. I absolutely love it here for myself. There's so much to do here. I would like to raise a family here if that's in my cards.
  • Jamie and Sweetie

    I fostered three puppies. One puppy was adopted by a friend in Seattle. And I failed the other two puppies. I rescued them at five weeks old. They are now almost three years old. Jameson is a black lab mix while Sweetie is a brown pittie mix. My phone mistakes her for Molly, although Molly was a lot bigger and taller than Sweetie. They are a mess but a mess I couldn't imagine not coming home to.
  • Period: to

    Land Run Bar and Grill

    One of the reasons for considering moving back to Norman was to become a manager of local family restaurant that I previously worked at. I was promised a lot of things that were not given to me. Looking back, I was a horrible toxic manager. I had no upper support of any kind. This job added more trauma on top of unaddressed trauma from my abusive relationship. The owner was always drunk and blamed me for all mistakes. I was gas lite countless times.
  • Period: to

    Relationship with Nathan

    This relationship was doomed from the start. I had many trauma issues never addressed and fixed. He had ex-wife issues never resolved. Although I don't appreciate how we ended, I still think he is a good guy. As much as I fought hard for him to not move out of our home, I needed it. I spent countless nights at home examining myself and looking at what I did wrong. I'm proud of the progress I have made over the past 6 months on myself for myself.
  • Maternal Grandmother Died

    I tried to continue to have a relationship with her after the entire family disowned her after my papa died. She was abusive to everyone. But she was my last grandparent and I was determined to stay beside her. My life got busy and she wasn't happy for me going back to school for a test on her birthday. Separation happened over time and I lost touch. The last time I saw her and spoke with her was a few year prior to her dying.
  • Returned to UCO

    Returned back to n-th time to school. Fingers crossed this is it!
  • Began Career with Hal Smith Restaurant Group

    I left Land Run to become a server at El Huevo. It allowed me to go back to the basics and see what I wanted from a manager and to observe a non-toxic management team. I currently work for Louie's in Midtown as an assistant manager. I love the company as they provide a lot of support for their staff.