Lifetime by Design

  • Graduate from high school

    Graduate from high school
    Cost: $0.00
  • Start college, maybe at the University of Arkansas?

    Start college, maybe at the University of Arkansas?
    Cost: $25,000 or less for four years
  • Move to and pay for an appartment at college

    Move to and pay for an appartment at college
    Cost: As cheap as possible
  • Begin studies abroad in London

    Begin studies abroad in London
    Cost: Included in college tuition
  • Graduate from college

    Graduate from college
    Cost: $0
  • Get a job at an engineering firm

    Get a job at an engineering firm
    Cost: $0
  • Purchase first real aparment after college

    Purchase first real aparment after college
    Cost: $189 down payment, $89 monthly payment
  • Establish my 401(k) plan through work

    Establish my 401(k) plan through work
    Cost: Whatever is withdrawn from my monthly paycheck
  • Buy a new car

    Buy a new car
    Cost: Somewhere from $20,000 to $23,000
  • Get married?

    Get married?
    Cost: Whatever it takes
  • Have a baby

    Have a baby
    Cost: A are expensive
  • Purchase a House

    Purchase a House
    Cost: $195,599
  • Have a second baby

    Have a second baby
    Cost: Whew...even more money to pay for kids
  • Begin diversifying in stocks and mutual funds

    Begin diversifying in stocks and mutual funds
    Cost: Unknown, depends on markets and purchases made
  • Go to Law school

    Go to Law school
    Cost: About $80,000 for three years
  • Take a family trip to Florida

    Take a family trip to Florida
    Cost: $5,000
  • Graduate with a degree in intellectual property law

    Graduate with a degree in intellectual property law
    Cost: $0
  • Move up at the company by becoming a lawyer

    Move up at the company by becoming a lawyer
    Cost: This will bring in new income
  • Buy a midlife-crisis car

    Buy a midlife-crisis car
    Cost: This car costs $56,000
  • Send first child to college

    Send first child to college
    Cost: Hopefully they get a lot of scholarships...
  • Send second child to college

    Send second child to college
    Cost: Even more hope for scholarships
  • Retirement!!!

    Cost: No more working!