
Lifespan Development

  • Infancy (birth-2 years)

    Infancy (birth-2 years)
    -learn about the world through their senses and motor behavior
    -growth doesn’t occur at a steady rate
    -brain 55% of its adult size
    -learning to control their actions (i.e. "me do it" phase)
    -trust vs. mistrust phase
  • Early Childhood (2-6 years)

    Early Childhood (2-6 years)
    -use symbols to represent words, images, ideas
    -growth slows
    -brain 90% of its adult size
    -frontal lobes of the brain grow rapidly
    -capable of asserting control over their world through interactions and play
    -initiative vs. guilt phase
  • Middle Childhood (6-11 years)

    Middle Childhood (6-11 years)
    -think logically about real events
    -start employing memory strategies
    -develop firm grasp on the use of numbers
    -rapid growth spurt
    -start to compare oneself to their peers to see how they measure up
    -industry vs. inferiority phase
  • Adolescence (11-18 years)

    Adolescence (11-18 years)
    -able to think logically about concrete events
    -dealing with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations
    -puberty begins; menarche and spermarche
    -rapid growth
    -developing a sense of self... who am I?
    -identity vs. role confusion phase
  • Emerging Adulthood (18-25 years)

    Emerging Adulthood (18-25 years)
    -abstract thinking
    -physical maturation is complete
    -physical abilities are at peak
    -sharing life with others
    -intimacy vs. isolation phase
  • Adulthood (25-65 years)

    Adulthood (25-65 years)
    -gradual decline
    -skin loses elasticity
    -possible weight gain
    -decline in eyesight
    -hair begins to turn gray
    -finding your life's work, contributing to the development of others
    -generativity vs. stagnation phase
  • Late Adulthood (65+ years)

    Late Adulthood (65+ years)
    -reaction time slows
    -muscle strength diminishes
    -sharp senses decrease
    -memory loss
    -reflect on life
    -satisfaction or failure?
    -integrity vs. despair phase