January 1981
Aunt and Uncle Marry
My aunt and uncle married when I was three. They moved to Cary, North Carolina soon after they wed. This began my love affair with North Carolina. Super's Theory in the Growth stage shows that I was fantasizing about a future in North Carolina. -
Always a pack fan
I knew from a young age that I wanted to live in North Carolina. I'm the child in the middle, it is apparent that I love my new NC State sweatshirt. At this young age, I wanted to be a dentist. I was in Super's Life Span Fantasy stage. My sister (above) and my cousin played together a lot when we were little. We never played with gender specific toys, we played with everything. -
High School Graduation
NC State accepts me
After my hard work in high school, NC State accepts me. I was fortuante to make good grades in high school and be involved in extra curricular activities to help me earn my acceptance into NC State. (Krumboltz's Genetic Endowment and special abilities) -
Bye Mom and Dad!
I am all alone and have to build my self-efficacy to make career/life decisions on my own. My family has left me at NC State and now I am ready to use learning experiences to help me make decisions for my career. (Krumboltz Instrumental and associative learning experiences. -
Hello real world!
I have chosen a career in teaching. Holland's Socail Type is what describes me best. I fit this type without hesitation. -
My family
My Mom
My mom supported me in my decision to move away to go to NC State. She never questioned my desire to go to NC State and helped me decide that this was the place for me. Gottfredson's Stage 4 Circumscription -
Martin Middle School. My state of crystallization.
I am secure in my career choice and am advancing it so that I can be a school counselor. I have crystallized according to the Cognitive Information Processing Approach.