Swim team
get on varsity swim team -
Get job
part time job at omaha steaks where my friend works and save money to get a car -
Period: to
50ish years
get on the MN varsity softball team -
I want to try to get into the air force acadamy or just enlist -
Enlist straight out of high school into the airforce if i dont get into the AFA -
Have Kids (not humans)
2 german shepherd dogs. -
go to switzerland
my grandma was born in basel, Switzerland so i want to visit her hometown. -
Go to Israel
Always was interested in israel -
learn Hebrew, arabic, sign language
Get married
Take my mom to a green bay packers game
My moms favorite team is the greenbay packers so i want to take her to a game. -
get a ford mustang -
Retire From Air Force
retire then go into SWAT -
Go to an oklahoma softball game
go to a new york giants game
my favorite nfl teams -
Win lottery
retire for good
Die in my sleep
Go to heaven