You are a graduating senior in high school and you are beginning to wonder what life will bring. You begin to think of how you will make a living, will you meet your lifelong partner, where will you live?
Identity VS. Role Confusion
Identity VS. Role Confusion to me, means the stage of life when you are transitioning from childhood, where everything is handed to you and you are supported by a parent or guardian, unto adulthood where you in a sense, have to fend for yourself. -
Wedding Day
You are now walking down the isle on your wedding day, walking towards the man/woman of your dreams because you have now learned that building intimate relationships with people other than a family member is part of life.
Intimacy VS. Isolation
Intimacy VS. Isolation to me means the time in life where we begin to build relationships with others besides family members and in a more intimate sense. -
You have now retired and think back on your life and accomplishments. You have provided for your family and your kids are off in college because you were successful enough to send them through 4 years of college.
Ego Integrity VS. Despair
Ego Integrity VS. Despair in my mind means that if you grow older and retire and feel you have regrets, and dont think you have lived a successful life, you will not be happy and vice versa. This all leads to wisdom.