Life Timeline By Sarah Grace Bradford

  • May 8, 2002

    The amazing Sarah Grace Bradford was born!
  • March 26, 2005

    My little sisters were born! They are twins, and their names are Julia and Corinne. Ever since they were born, I have no longer been the baby of the family, and I have them to boss around!
  • 2008

    I became a Christian! This was a major event in my life, and has continued to change me.
  • 2012

    During this year, I started playing volleyball. I would have never known I'd grow to love it so much. I soon after that made the McCants volleyball team. This was a major surprise, since I wasn't very good at the time, and it helped me improve in my skills.
  • 2013

    This year I started my first year in public school, and also started middle school. I made a ton of new friends, got involved in a lot of clubs, and made many memories.
  • 2014

    I became the Vice President of Southwood Academy of the Arts. I had to made lots of speeches in front of the entire school, but that has helped me grow to be more confident in public speaking.
  • 2015

    For spring break I went on a cruise, where I left the country for the first time. Me and my family went to Mexico!
  • 2015

    I was accepted into yearbook staff for my 8th grade year at Southwood. I made many sweet friendships during this time, learned so much more about photography, and developed a passion.
  • 2016

    In the summer I went to a camp called Camp Desoto, in Lookout Mountain (Mentone) for a month. I made so many friends from all over the country, and developed a whole new perspective on my life.
  • 2016

    I had my first day of high school. It was intense, but I loved it!
  • 2020

    This year I plan to graduate high school. I hope to graduate with many scholarships and many different options for college.
  • 2020

    I plan on going to college this year at either Clemson, UNC, or Ole Miss. I want to major in either education or sport's medicine
  • 2020

    I want to become a KD, just like my sister and mom did. I'm a legacy!
  • 2020

    As I start college, I want to become a Young Life leader, where I get to have a ministry towards high school students. I have been planning on this event for a while.
  • 2022

    I have always dreamed of studying abroad during college. I want to either study in New Zealand, Greece, or Spain.
  • 2024

    I want to graduate college. I will strive to graduate early, along with not having to repeat any classes.
  • 2024

    For my career, I would like to be either a child's physical therapist or speech therapist. I love working with children and if both of those jobs don't work out, I would like to be a teacher.
  • 2025

    SKYDIVING. That is my ultimate dream to do. It will be terrifying but so, so worth it.
  • 2028

    Around this time I would like to settle down and get married. After a couple years of marriage, I want to have 3 kids.
  • 2082

    Around this year I hope to be recognized as a great leader and then retire out of my career. Once I retire, I want to stay involved in many organizations.