• What year were you born,and Where were you born?

    I was born in Medellin, in 2002
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  • When did you speak for the first time?

    My mom said I was always pretty quiet until I was 3 years olds
  • What’s your first, most vivid memory?

    When I was 5 years I got my first video game device, the GameBoy
  • Can you describe the neighborhood you grew up in?

    Boring, pretty boring and nothing awesome happened ever.
  • What were you like as a child, what did you do for fun?

    I used to love creating epic scenes with my toys and doing stuff I saw on TV.
  • What was your favorite food?

    Spaguettis, when I was a kid, I’ve always seen them as 5 star meals, not so much anymore nowadays.
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  • When did you start to be interested in languages?

    When I was a little kid, I loved to see all the cultures and dreamed of being known as a man that speaks a lot of languages, that can travel all around the world.
  • What kind of school did you go to? Were you a good student?

    It was a public school, I studied there my whole life (school life), and it was a nightmare, so boring and always annoying. I was a good student, but I’ve never cared about being the best, because I knew who I really was.
  • Did you have any heroes or role models?

    Keanu Reeves, he is like the most cool guy in the world, so humble and intelligent.
  • Did you practice any sport?

    Yes, I played Hockey back when I was in better shape, now I’m looking forward to practice again a sport, any.
  • What was your favorite subject when you were young?

    Science fiction, I loved talking and dreaming about anything related to science fiction, from aliens, plagues, advanced technology. etc.
  • When did you learn how to drive?

    When I was in San Andres islands, I drove a mini golf car and there I learned the basic, and I almost drove over some people.
  • Did you play video games, and what kind of video games?

    Yeah. I always Shooters and the ones with an awesome story to tell.
  • What’s the most difficult thing that ever happened to you?

    When I had a very serious medical problem in my back, I got better through surgeries and now I feel most alive.
  • Have ever been in a tournament or a sports event?

    Yes, at a stadium in competition for us to get to the greatest hockey tournament in Bogota.
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  • What things are most important to you now? Why?

    My family, but most importantly my little brother, I’m his mentor. Also, improving my design skills and languages skill too.
  • When did you graduate from your high school?

    December 2019
  • When did you begin to study in a university?

    I started my degree at Pascual Bravo University on february 19th.
  • Have you ever had a job? Do you have a job currently?

    Nope, I’ve never had a job, even though I used to teach english for cash.
  • How do you feel now about growing old? About being an adult.

    It’s like freedom, you know, it’s just that freedom could be good or bad for you, it’s up to you.
  • What do you look forward to now?

    I want to get a job and finish my career as soon as possible, and go to Canada.
  • What will you do for your 18’s birthday?

    I want to celebrate with my loved ones and my closest homies.