This is the day I was born. My parents were in the middle of moving between appartments. My parents had nothing prepared for me. -
This is when I moved from California to Pennsivlania. I stay here untill I am seven. We moved here for my parents job. -
Lost cat
I lost my cat, this is one of my first memories. All I remeber about pennsilvania is that cat, and a haloween party. I remeber not being sad because the cat lady stole him but he was happy anyway. -
When I turned Seven my family moved us to Arizona to be closer to the rest of the family. I remeber alot more of this part of my childhood then any other part. I quickly made new friends and forgot about the move. -
Middle school
I was very excited to start middle school. I thought it would be like a highschool movie. Everyone would have everyones number and hang out everyday. -
My Parents got a divorce and I was not to upset. I was not suprised my mom had been talking about this for a very long time. Mom was alot happier after this. -
Marching band freshman year
This is my first year in highschool and my first year in Marching band The first time I whent to band camp for color guard. We would wake up and practice all day with no rest except for meal breaks. -
This is my frshman uear in highschool. Me and my best friend thought Highschool would be like in the movies. And that I would be beat up. -
Color guard
I was in color guard for our final competion of the year. Everyone was upset when our band didn't get first place. After they anouced the places our color guard got first place for our divishion. -
bat mitzvah
A bat mitzvah is when a jewish girl has studied a portion of the torah relating to her birthday and reads from the torah to become a jewish adult. When I was reading my portion someones phone went off and I started giggling and lost my place in the torah. -
I got my permit on my first try. And was very excited to begin driving. I started driving to school everyday. -
FInished Marching Band
Being in Marching band is great and I have so many memories because if it but it was very time consuming. Everyday I was spending at least 2 hours in rehersal and another hour in class for marching band. My senior year I will have alot more time to work on things I want to do. -
Driver test
I took my first drivers test and failed.