Life Timeline

  • My Christening

    My Christening
    When I was 5 months old, my parents decided to get me baptized. i was baptized in Saint Mary's church in Katonah New York, on main street. My god parents are aunt, Deborah Tapinekis and my dads best friend, Vincent Lepani. After, I had a party at the Arch in Brewster, New York. A couple years later, I made my communion, and followed up with my beliefs. As i grew, I've stopped practicing religion, and i didn't get to be confirmed. Religion was never big in my family.
  • Broke my leg

    Broke my leg
    When I was 1, I went to Busch Gardens, Virginia. It was a beautiful day, and everything was going right. Until, my dad and I were going down a slide, when my leg got caught on the side and snapped. My mom told me I never really reacted towards it, I just wouldnt walk. eventually, she took me to a Virginia hospital, where they told us it was broken. Within a day, we had to pack up and leave. this was a big event in my life because now my knee pops. out.
  • My little sister was born

    My little sister was born
    Now 13 years old, my little sister Lauren was born November 9th 2002 in Northern Westchester hospital. When I was 18 months old, my dreams of being the baby of the house and being spoiled was immediately taken away from me. I've always loved attention, so when my mom was changing Lauren's diapers, i decided i wanted to go back into diapers so i would get attention too. Now, she is one of my very best friends and i don't know what i would do without her.
  • Moved to Holbrook, Long Island

    Moved to Holbrook, Long Island
    when I was 2, my family picked up and moved to Holbrook, Long Island. Because of 9/11, my dad had to pick up and move because we had a very beautiful (and expensive) home in katonah, but it was to much to afford after the stock market crashed. it was an exciting time for me because i got to create new friendship and memories. I can honestly say that long island will always be my home. All of my family and friends are there, and I made memories there that i'll never be able to forget.
  • I met my lifelong friend

    I met my lifelong friend
    When I was 3, I met my very best friend Kayla. We did everything together, and so did our families. Our moms have always been best friends, as well as our fathers. Our families click so well. Today, nothing has changed. Me and kayla are absolutely inseparable, just like when we first met. Now we are both 16 years old, and 13 years later we still go on every family vacation together, and well as staying at each others homes for a week or two every once in a while so we can spend time together.
  • Learned to ski

    Learned to ski
    my aunt Tina owes and home in Mount Snow, Vermont. Ever since i was little, she would always have me take skiing lessons. i never liked the ski lessons, and i would always beg her to let me ski with the " older kids". Although she never let me until she knew i was safe to ski with them, i thank her everyday for that experience, because i know not a lot of kids get that. Ive made so many memories on Mount Snow with my sisters, cousins and uncles.
  • I moved from Long Island to Brewster

    I moved from Long Island to Brewster
    When I was 10, I moved from Long Island to Brewster. This has had a very big impact on who I am today, and I was very hesitant when I was told I was going to leave. I constantly argued with my family that I didn't want to leave my best friend, but I had no choice. Moving to brewster changed my life dramatically, and I wish I could go back.I had to leave all my family, friends, and mostly, my life behind. Fortunately, I get to go back to Holbrook whenever I want, and I get to see my old friends.
  • First time leaving the country

    First time leaving the country
    when i was 11, my family along with my dads friends family, went to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. It was a 3 our flight, and i was so nervous about leaving the United States, where i was so used to being. We stayed in the hard rock hotel and casino, where me and my sisters had a photo shoot on the beach for two hours. We also went to many elegant dinners, had pina coladas on the beach, and played with homeless dogs. paradise.
  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16
    On June 10th 2016, I had my 16th birthday party at the Ethan Allen Hotel, with 200 family and friends. I had my 10 closest friends sit at a front table with me, and my family and friends flew from all around the country to be there. i had a dance with all of my uncles, and it was something that meant so much to me because they all are men that I will always look up to. I also danced with my dad, and all he did was cry, It was a very unforgettable night that i will never be able to forget.
  • I lost my grandfather

    I lost my grandfather
    i know that we were told that we really shouldn't involve death in this, but if we are supposed to speak our our life, he had a very big impact on mine. Two weeks ago, i lost the man that i always thought i could never live without. I had the pleasure of living with him for the last 6 years, and spend every single one of those days with him. Every family dinner, every holiday, birthday, and vacation, i spent with him. I'm never going to forget him, and i always loved him unconditionally.