Life Timeline

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development and Birth

  • I was Born

  • Period: to

    First Two Years

  • Started Using Spoon to Feed Myself

    Cognitive Event
  • Started to Walk

    Biosocial Event
  • Began a Fear of Strangers (very cautious!)

    Psychosocial Event. My parents took me to the mall during Christmastime, and I am told that it was the first time that I showed fear of unfamiliar people or things. There were some elves at the mall, and I was very fearful of them. To this day, I can not be around anything in costume that I do not know! (clowns, elves, animals)
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • Took a bottle of Baby Aspirin and ate it!

    Psychosocial Event. I climbed up onto the counter in the kitchen and took the bottle of orange flavored baby aspirin. I thought it was candy! I do remember everyone being frantic around me, and I never forgot the trip to the hospital to have my stomach pumped.
  • Began HeadStart before Kindergarten

    Cognitive Event. In headstart, I learned the alphabet, how to write some letters, and how to color within the lines!
  • Got eyeglasses in Kindergarten

    Biosocial event. It was shortly before my first day of Kindergarten, and my parents took me to the eyedoctor. I got glasses, but I was worried that other kids would tease me for wearing them to school. I decided to hide them and told my parents I "lost" them. I apparently did not hide them well enough, because on the first day of school while I was with my classmates, my father showed up at school with my glasses in his hand, demanding I wear them!
  • Started private Piano Lessons

    Cognitive Event. At the age of 7, I started taking piano lessions. I saw people on television play the piano, and I was fascinated by it!
  • Period: to

    The School Years

    Ages 7-11
  • Wet my pants in 1st grade

    Psychosocial Event. My mom bought me these pair of cute bib overalls (the kind that button up by the shoulders!), and I was in my first grade class. My teacher had a strict rule about raising your hand to go to the restrooms. It was time for us to pass out all of our papers from the last 9 weeks, and I stayed seated while raising my hand. She never responded to me, and I had a little accident. I remember it being very traumatic because some of the kids in my class laughed at me and made fun
  • Not allowed to join sports in school

    Biosocial Event. I remember begging my parents to allow me to join some extracurricular activities at around the age of 8. They never allowed this because I was smaller than average, and they said they were afraid I would get hurt. However, as I got older, they did not allow me to be in sports either!
  • Period: to

    Adolescent Years

  • Began taking violin lessons

    Cognitive Event: I started taking violin lessons the year prior to entering middle school.
  • A classmate committed suicide

    Psychosocial Event: When I was 13, I had a classmate who committed suicide. It was a horrible experience for everyone in our school and those closest to him. Many people went through counselling to get through this difficult time. Most people didn't know how to deal with it.
  • Classmates and friends started trying alcohol and/or drugs

    Biosocial Event: I was 16 when I remember some of my friends and other schoolmates trying alcohol and drugs at a party for homecoming. I was afraid of what my parents would do if they found out, so I did not get involved.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood Years

  • Found out I was pregnant with my son

    Biosocial Event: I found out I was pregnant with my son. I was in college at this time, and it was not planned. It was definitely not the right time in my life for this to happen, but I was determined to do everything within my power to be a good mother, even though I had to do it all alone!
  • Period: to


  • Returned to college when my son was 2

    Cognitive Event: Decided when my son was 2 years old to go back to college, at the dismay of my parents. They did not believe that it was in the best interests of my son. I knew it was the right thing to do for both of us!
  • Got married to my wonderful husband!

    Psychosocial Event: I married my husband, the love of my life, and best friend! Our wedding was 3 days after 9/11, so this was a very confusing time for us. We went from being so wrapped up in the tragedy to experiencing a time of joy and happiness within a period of 3 days. Our 10 year anniversary is next month.
  • Found out my husband and I can't have any more children

    Biosocial Event: My husband and I found out that we are not able to have any more children. Our son Austin is the best gift I was ever given, and we are very happy with 1 child.
  • Returned to college when my son reached age 12

    Cognitive Event: I decided to return to college again. I had so many things in my life that held me back, and I also chose to wait until my son was old enough to understand why I was consumed with other things. He understands that it is for our family, and everyone is supportive.
  • My grandfather passed away at age 94

    Psychosocial Event: My grandfather, whom I was very close to, passed away. It was the first close family member who died. This was very hard for me, and I still miss him every single day.
  • Period: to

    Adulthood to Late Adulthood

    Projection of Adulthood years through Late Adulthood. This has not happened yet!!
  • Graduate from Schoolcraft!

    Cognitive Event: I will graduate from Schoolcraft with my Associates in Applied Science Degree. I will hopefully enter the Pharmacy program in September of 2012.
  • Death

    Projected date of death (according to the Life Expectancy Test) when I am 101 years old.